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Lover's Stance

She stands there
so young
so beautiful
so sad

The mist floating around her
as if she is forcing
it out of her body.

The moon shines
giving her a pale
omniscent look
about her.

The thin sheer dress
accents every curve
that she possesses.

the wind blows
through her hair
as she lifts her head
up to the sky...

Looking for her
forbidden lover
she silently begs him
to come to her
to be with her
to love her


Lord, help me!
I'm chained and cannot
overcome my fears -
the ones I built,
the ones I tore down,
the ones I rebuilt.

Of course, maybe I didn't
tear them down
Maybe I just thought
they were gone
Maybe they were hiding
to spring out at wrong moments,
like when I'm at my lowest.

Lord, help me
I'm chained and cannot
build the walls
I need to survive
and I NEED those walls.

"Keep them out!",
my mind screams.
"Help them in!",
My body whispers.

Lord, help me
I'm chained and cannot
overcome my fears.
My fears override me.
My desires impound me.
Or do I impound my desires?

I just don't know anymore.
I just don't know
I just don't
I just

Lord, help me
I'm chained and cannot
overcome my fears!
My fears have overcome me!
Too late, Lord, to help me
My chains have encased me.


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