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May 10, 1999: Congratulations!
On May 9 the author of these pages (Maria Pardue/MuSiCaT) graduated from Huntingdon College cum laude, a member of Sigma Tau Delta (National Literary Honors Fraternity) and Phi Eta Sigma (National Honors Fraternity for Outstanding Freshman Academic Achievement), with a major in English. She is going on to graduate studies in English.

May 10, 1999: New Version?
Yes, it's nearly that time again! Time for the new version of these pages. I like to change the design, layout, and content every 6 months or so. However, the new version will not be released until the end of May or the beginning of June. e-Mail me with any suggestions.

Legends of the Night is a free online, role-playing talker based on White-Wolf's Vampire: The Dark Ages, Changeling, Werewolf, and Wraith. All of these games have been incorporated into the setting of Venice in 1198. The following pages should give you the basic rules and concepts of the games as well as provide you with free, helpful resources for reference.

In order to give you a general idea of the basic concepts of each game we offer, we have set up a page for each game. Each page includes: A brief summary of the game and stats for you to use. In the case of Vampire, Changeling, and Werewolf, we have also included available clans, kiths, and tribes for you to choose from.

Because not everyone is familiar with this time period or this city, we have included resources on the setting as well as general medieval resources.

Another major concern is the creation and usage of objects. We have objects to help enhance your role-playing experience. And, like anything else, usage of these objects requires a basic knowledge of commands and functions. In order to help you, we have provided an extensive, step-by-step guide to constructing and using your own objects.

Other useful features of these pages are: A help system for new users, A general description of rules and guidelines, as well as extensive information on the staff and, in particular, the policies regarding role-play and some of the new rules. If you have any additional questions, please direct them to TeRpSiChoRe or any staff member.

New Associates Program
Legends of the Night is now a proud associate of Amazon.com! Amazon.com is well-known for great discounts and service and we at Legends hope that you will choose to purchase books and music through the link we have established for your convenience. If you have any questions, please refer to the letter from Amazon.com's President.

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Last Updated: May 10, 1999

These pages are best viewed in the 800 x 600 setting using Netscape 4.0 and Internet Explorer 3.0 or higher.

Pages © 1998, 1999 designed, written (unless otherwise noted), and maintained by Maria Pardue (aka MuSiCaT). All graphics © 1998, 1999 unless otherwise noted. All terms/info on Vampire: The Dark Ages, Werewolf, Wraith, and Changeling are copyrighted by White Wolf. In no way is the author claiming them for her own.

Space provided by GeoCities.