A great big THANK YOU to Sker (Michael Orlosky) for the wonderfully unique and MAD webpages he created here!! Great job, Michael!!
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[Contest Winners]

Winner of Dane's Gold Award


Dateline 25 December 2003 Well the bot is back and undernet maybe making a return if we get enough people who want to play there as we need to register a new channel for it and that requires 10 different people. So if you want to see the bot on undernet as well then please send me a message either on irc or via email to: nathan_chrissy(AT)yahoo.com . Also Looking for new web site ideas for the new year

Dateline 29 June 2003 Ok some people are suffering from ignores from the bot. If this is the case set your irc name and your ident to be the same. /msg DrDeath if you need more help on this.

Dateline 15 March 2003 Madbot Is back online again, Come back to where your addictions all stared

Dateline 28 June 2002 gambello has won over 1000 games on Austnet! Let's hear it for the champ! Congrats gambello!

Dateline 13 April 2002 Check out the new Austnet bios - DrDeath, gambello, ChouxBacca, and more. Austnet has been beating undernet in games played. Come on guys! Let's build the undernet channel back up!

Dateline 02 January 2002 #madlib celebrates it's fourth anniversary. Lesse... 4th is fruit and flowers, right? DCC all gifts directly to madlibbot.

Dateline 03 August 2001 Good news, AOL is welcome back in #madlib. --- madbot has a new handle 'MadlibBot' Come on back and check it the new and improved bot.

Dateline 17 January 2001 We're back in #madlib. Madbot has been joined by bots Gameserv and Haji (thanks wrapper!) Come on in and get recertified mad!

Dateline 13 January 2001 Are you getting a "channel is invite only" message when trying to get into #madlib? That's because the bad guys have the channel. Try #madlib1 for the next few days. Some major brainstorming is going on and we'll keep you posted on anything new. Unfortunately, the undernet is experiencing severe DoS attacks. Click here for updates on the current status. Thanks!

Dateline 13 November 2000 After a temporary lull in games, players are coming back and we're getting some full houses again. Come join the fun!

Dateline 2 April 2000 AOL banned? Read here!

Dateline 24 November 1999 Come see the Madfest pics! A good time was had by all! Thanks Hottlips!! More new bios! TeresaMH, PizzaHutt, Elle, DebbieDoo, Jebbgrrl, sNaZz, Schm00.... more.. more.. more....!!

Dateline 01 July 1999 MadFest 99 - Coming soon
Lots of new bios - kilroywzh, tenalto, Sheepdip, SldMySoul, Syxxer, Nancy32 and lots more!

Dateline 06 April 1999
Brand new!! Come read the Madlib Gazette and stay 'in the know' will all the happenings in Madlib! Check out the new Madlib Gazette!!

Dateline 09 March 1999 Just in!!! New interview with cahaya!! Check out the new scoop on The Creator page!!

Dateline 28 February 1999 Lots of new Austnet bios! Zaria, MinsterMite, Xillly, Pebbles, O'Hayden,& more...!! New Undernet bios, too! Phoebes, X99, & more!! Also new great Hall of Fame submissions! Check it out!!

Dateline 09 JANUARY 1999 Contest Winners Here!!

Dateline 04 DECEMBER 1998 Congrats to Sneex for smashing the monthly wins record. Sneex won 119 games on Undernet! Also, IRCops report that #madlib is now the 15th most popular channel on the entire Undernet!

Dateline 07 November 1998 Some great new answers have been entered in the Hall Of Fame! Check them out. Also, a record number of games was played on the Undernet in October - 1,010!

Dateline 09 June 1998 I've just received word that Madbot is now running on AustNet! The bot's server there is Ozemail.NSW.AU.AustNet.Org so go check it out!

Dateline 3 March 1998 The Hall Of Fame now lists the top monthly Madlib winners! Keep trying and maybe you will be enshrined among the greats!

Dateline 26 Feb 1998 Thanks to the tremendous player support and input, this very site has won an award. Dane's Gold IRC Channel Web Award. Awesome, eh?

Dateline 21 Jan 1998 You can now use the /submit command to send your madlib suggestions to cahaya. Do /msg madbot /submit . What a great idea!

Dateline 28 Dec 1997: #Madlib is now official! The channel started being serviced by the W bot on Dec 23. (Great present!) Cahaya has also moved his operations to a new location that is more stable and permanent so the bot can be on all the time! (Please note cahaya's new email addy: mtraas@tm.net.my

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