Shock's Lair

You are visitor number to be graced with my presence.

You have stumbled apon a hidden cave. As your eyes adjust to the suddun firelight, you hear footsteps and see a figure coming toward you. He is a tall, black-haired, blue-eyed, handsome man, clad in black and white Lin Kuei armor, but un-masked. As he comes closer to you, though, his pulles a mask over his head, as if used to conceling his face. Behind him, next to the torchs in the cave walls, you see another figure clad in black and orange, with handsome features, black hair, and golden eyes. When you spot him, he quickly dissappears around the corner. You feel as though the temperature in the cave drops ten degrees with his departure.

"Welcome," the black and white clad ninja says to you. "I see you have found my lair. My name.........well, you don't need to know my name for now, you may call me Shock. Enjoy your stay,"

To the Alin Kuei

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