Eight arrows.
Many choices, many directions.
My hobbies are games, writing and music. Much of this site involves puns in one form or another — consider yourself warned.
This site will change regularly as I slowly digitize my years of handwritten/typed notes. My goal is to keep it viewable by most browsers and frame-free.
Two of my favorite role-playing game systems are GURPS (Generic Universal Roleplaying System) from Steve Jackson Games and the various forms of D&D (Dungeons & Dragons).
For GURPS, I put together an ever-growing list of characters, suitable for PCs or NPCs, which you can get to by clicking 8 Arrows GURPS Character Gallery.
For D&D, I'm putting together a list of pun-based monsters and a list of magic items based on comic books. I also have a couple of short solo generic fantasy adventures in the works.
Want to do some dungeon-crawling along with your Web surfing? If so, check out the Dungeon of the Dancing Daggers.
You can play browser-based solitaire games by clicking Original Games.
What would you do if you were washing your polyhedral dice and they became lunch for the garbage disposal? As the Hitchhiker's Guide exclaims: Don't panic! My Dice Conversion Tables will keep you rolling!
And for all you number-crunchers, it's easy to determine the odds on twenty-sided and percentile dice. But what's the chance of rolling six or less on two six-sided dice? Or on three six-sided dice? My Dice Odds Tables can help you figure it out.
If writer's block has set in and you need a name quick for a character, town or natural wonder, check out the handy RPG Fantasy Names lists.
For free advice that's worth every penny, check out Dear Abbynormal. Oh, you said you want good advice? Oh well . . .
Need to smile? Click here for some original punmanship.
You can quote them on that if you go to my Quotes page. And if you need to express an idea automotively, there's also a few sayings for your bumper.
If you love the ever-changing English language as I do, then turn to New Terms For The 90s.
Yes, Virginia, there is a contest for writing intentionally bad sentences. Here's my award-winning (and more often losing) contributions to the Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest.
In the meantime, please email comments and questions to mmcgarel@yahoo.com
This site was last edited January 28, 2003.
All original material copyright © 1998-2003 by Michael McGarel. Other copyrights and trademarks are properties of the respective owners.