Hi. First of all I would like to
apologize my bad English. After more than 300 year, languages are
still a problem for me. But as I want the entire world to read
this, English is the best language to use.
I am Luiz Egidio Dante, an Elder of São Paulo.
I am making use of
these modern media ways just for the whole world to know what's
going on on my home city and in the entire world. For NOD someone
has to do something about it. I just hope you read it before the
technocracy does. We are Vampires (yes, we do exist!! and for a
long time..) and we control the world politics. The city where I
live is one of the biggest in the world, and is a very hard one
to be ruled. I was the prince of São Paulo but an old friend
came to my city and took away my power. Well a long time has
passed and now I got my power back. But my unlife is on the edge
and so I decided to tell everybody about what's going on behind
the politics curtains.
I think that the existence of the Vampires is something that
needs to be known. Just that. Thanks for your attention.
Esta e´uma pequena
introdução de uma ambientação para o World of Darkness sobre
a cidade de São Paulo. Esta ambientação não segue a oficial
da Camarilla por motivos de direito autoral, e também porque
esta ambientação foi criada bem antes do projeto One
World By Night.
Jogadores de São Paulo que estiverem
interessados em jogar me mandem um E-Mail.

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