Strange Adventures in Infinite Space VGA Planets starcraft
Page Updated: September 15, 2007
This page is dedicated whatever I choose.
For now, that includes VGA planets, Starcraft and Strange Adventures in Infinite Space.

Hello all, welcome to my site.

New Stuff:

I've created a page that contains all the player images that I use for a game called FUMBBL, which is an online version of the Games Workshop boardgame Bloodbowl.
I highly reccommend to to give it a try, since it's free and a lot of fun (although you should read the rules and try to get some practice in first - there are some really talented players there.)
You can see my page here.
Currently there's not much to it - I'm just sharing the images that I use for my players, since the default ones are pretty ugly.


My mailing address, should you ever want to get in touch with me, is
News about the pages:

War2 section Is not being updated anymore.
StarCraft Page No new files or updates as of this time. Updates Unlikely.
The XCOM Apocalypse strategy guide is unlikely to be updated further.
The VGA Planets sectionHas a whole array of pictures. Not updated recently, but it might be.

Believe it or not, this page IS being updated. I'm on a very meticulous schedual - at least (and typically only) once a year. It's a harsh schedual though, and takes its toll, so I unfortunately slip by a half dozen months here and there.

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