Update! October 15, 2002
I have been playing Medal of Honor: Allied Assault for the
past 5 months. I am addicted to this game.
Feel free to contact me via Messenger (marcbridie@hotmail.com)
or AIM (badanimal39) and we'll play!

If you are lucky, you might talk me into playing a game of
Warcraft 3, if you'd rather do that.
Sterling Order of Knights - Starcraft
I'm now playing Starcraft on BNet. My name is LecramB. ICQ me and we'll
play - 3064185.
Also, get Roger Wilco, it is great!! Wish I'd have used it in UO.
Sterling Order of Knights - Ultima Online
In early 2000, I sold my UO account. On February 21st, 2000 I uninstalled
UO, that to me made it official that I'd never play UO again. To all I
ever met in UO, I sure enjoyed it. It was nice to meet y'all. Hopefully
we'll play together again.
After 8+ months of being in the GoL, I was
taken off the guildstone. Perhaps it was by accident due to a patch or
some other reason. I decided with my constant traveling that I wasn't serving
them well anyway. On September 5th, 1999, I joined the Royal Guardians
of Ocllo. A very small guild but its members are honorable and nice I am
told. Oh one other little small bit of info, several months ago Bloodmoon
became a Grandmaster Scribe.
I have joined another guild, the Guardians
of Light - ranked first on the Catskills shard.
Well after four plus
months in the tBA, I have resigned.
I am
looking to join another guild if anyone has any suggestions.
I have
even thought about building the SOK on Cats but I am afraid that I do not
have enough time for that. 01-18-99
Attention! After eight months
of playing solo on the Catskills shard, Bloodmoon has joined a guild, The
Britannian Army. I hope it to be much like the honorable SOK (it was btw)
that TrueKnight and I founded. Bloodmoon has a business on Ocllo just southeast
of the bank. The business is called 'Immaculate Seduction' and the vendor
there is named Delaney. Delaney specializes in runes and scrolls.
- Bloodmoon 08-22-1998
out More
Articles with a story by me at the very end - Bloodmoon 10-07-98

Welcome to the Sterling
Order of Knights Ultima Online guild!
- I play almost exclusively on the Catskillls shard now. My main character
is called Bloodmoon. I started a new job recently and won't be playing
into the wee morning hours like I used to ('cept for Friday and Saturday
). Jubal has taken over on the Lake Superior
and is doing a great job! Fare thee all well! - Goldmoon 02-23-98
Links Tips for Newbies ArticlesSOK's
ICQ numbers
Articles (unfinished) Goldmoon of Cove
soon: Keywords; Even More Articles
check out this site -
new home of the Sterling Order of Knights!
Order of Knights - Diablo Division
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Home Page.
as of 12-22-97)
site was last updated on June 13, 2006
comments, questions, remarks to marc.bridie@gmail.com
1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 All rights reserved.