This is the Laser Challenge page. It all started when my friend told me he'd purchsed a set of laser tag guns at Goodwill. I immediately went to Goodwill and discovered,(to my surprise) that there were at least eight sets there. Before, I had seen them in stores for $40.00 or more. I purchased one for me and one for my friend's birthday for a total of sixteen dollars for both, and soon, we had a whole platoon of Laser Challenge soldiers. We have fights late at night in my woods. It's the most fun toy I've purchased in a long time. I'm always making changes to this site, so keep coming back.

This is the vest. You get 9 hits and then a warning siren goes off. During this time, (approx. 4 seconds) you cannot be hit. Then, after that if you get hit one more time, Blamo! you're dead.
This is the stock laser challenge gun. It has four buttons: a recessed on and off switch on the back, a trigger, a reset button, and an arm button. The reset button, when pressed while the gun is aimed at a vest, will reset it back to ten shots. The arm button needs to be pressed evry six shots to reload. I should hope that the trigger and the on/off switch would be self explanitory.
This is the B.A.R.T. Droid. It stands for Bio Automated Roaming Target. Basically what it does is you turn it on and shoot it with the reset button, then you try to kill it in 60 (or 30 in expert mode) seconds by shooting it in the little red triangle on it's front. It runs around like a bat out of hell while you try to kill it. It fun and it's good practice for when you can't shoot at your friends.
This is my Laser Challenge gun. I outfitted it with a woodland camoflage paint job. (It's amazing what a little model paint can do.)
This is the back sensor. It plugs into your current front vest with a phone cord looking thing. (I'll bet you wondered what that jack was for, didn't you?) It is light weight and it connects pretty smoothly to your existing straps. The best part of it is that it doesn't take batteries. It feeds off your current vest's power supply. Useful for more realistic fights but useless unless evryone has them, so buy them up!
This is the Lasertrap. It's basically a grenade. You set a timer and run for cover. I don't own this yet, so I can't give any specific info on it, but I do know that it shoots 360 degrees and about 25 feet. I don't know weather you can throw it or not, (chances are you can't) but as soon as it's mine I'll let you know.

Have you seen this monster yet?

The Laser Challenge pistol's big brother. Although it's an ugly beast, this beast is capable of firing rapid fire bursts over 150 feet. That's a long way. It's a monster. Aptly named the EX-D SUPER LASER, it's sure to shoot a super distance and pack a super punch. (Make sure you have a Super quantity of batteries.) It's the only image I've ever seen of it, so if you see it in a store, let me know.

Beavis says E-mail me at

Coming soon. Times, names, and dates.

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