Last update: 8/11/99
MadScrub Hole
In case you didn't know, a MadScrub is a creature on Zelda 64 that lives in a hole...hence the name, MadScrub Hole.
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Zelda 64 Poll. Click here!
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Zelda Headquarters

The Cow Dance

The Hamster Dance

Imagine Games Network

DragonBall Z
MadScrub Link List
Sign My Guestbook
8/11/99 - I'm sorry i haven't updated in so long...i just didn't feel like it. I have gotten a few people to join my link list and i am trying to get more...if you have a site about DragonBall-Z-GT,Anime, Pokemon, Zelda, or anything cool like that...please email me for info on how you can join my link list for free. I have resolved to work on my DBZ page but i really didn't have a lot of time because i was trying to fix up my link page....sorry.

7/24/99 - I just made a new Link list for people to get more hits to thier sites.
Please add your site to the list.

7/23/99 - I got the poll back on! Just click on the link to go to it. I am working on my DBZ page. I Haven't done a lot but i have a lot to do so please be patient. I am going to make a webring type list soon. I will have a list of site links in my file list. Everyone who has their site on the list will have a link to the list on their site.
This sounds confusing but it isn't email me if you would like to join at

7/10/99 - Sorry that i haven't updated my site in so long. I have been in Florida for about a week visiting my friend. A few things screwed up while i was gone: All but one of the topsite list buttons on my DragonBall page are messed up. I will fix them as soon as i get a chance. Also, the music on my main page was lost somehow so it stopped playing as my background music. I can easily fix this and will do so as soon as possible. I would still like to know if anybody wants me to change my
page. Please email me and tell me if i should or shouldn't. I just added a Zelda poll at the bottom of this page. Not many people have voted yet so i think i'll move it up higher on the page where it would be more noticeable. Please, Please, Please sign my guestbook! Nobody has signed but me (twice) so i feel like an idiot!
I totally forgot about those guides on my Zelda page. I haven't edited most of them for quite a while. I just don't have enough time to work on this site as much as i'd like to.
While i was in Florida i learned how to play the Pokemon trading card game. It is really cool. If you haven't already played you should try it. If you play please IM or email me. My instant messager name is MSCHEERMS.

Zelda 64
DragonBall Z
Zelda Rules.

Old Intro
Greetings! To do stuff on this site click on the boxes to the right. They are labeled according to what they are (wow, takes some brains to figure that one out doesn't it! I don't know why but i signed my guestbook twice which was really stupid but i don't care.
I recently put the background music in and i am very proud of it. On this page i put the music that is played in Kokiri forest, in the Zelda section i have the music played in Kakariko Village, and on the section of info about myself i have the music from Gerudo Valley. (those are places in Zelda 64 in case you didn't know.) I don't have any music in the games section because some of the games already have music. I will add as much music as i possibly can. If you have any cool Zelda MIDIs (or any other MIDIs for that matter) please send them to me or give me a URL where i can get some good music. I will put them on my site and give you credit for providing them. I will soon (hopefully) have a music section in the Zelda portion of my site that will include all the Zelda music that i have. My collection includes quite a few MIDIs that are from all the Zelda games including the first: The Legend of Zelda.
If you want to email me,
click here. I am always adding new things on here so even if you thought it was stupid it might be better the next time you come back. If you will put a link to my page on your page i will put a link for yours on mine. Just email me the URL, a name, and maybe a discription of it. I will add it to my site unless i think it's really really really dumb.
I am making a DragonBall Z section on my site because, in case you didn't know, IT'S THE GREATEST SHOW IN THE UNIVERSE!!!!!!!
I had been having trouble with the guides in the Zelda section but now i think they are all in working order. I finally got all the maps put on. I don't have every map needed in the game so if there is a certain map that i don't have then please tell me and i will put it on or get it as soon as i can.
If you would like to request that i put something on my site,
email me about whatever it is you would like me to put on and i will do my best to find whatever it is and add it to my site. Also send me suggestions on how i could make my site better.
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