Welcome to Sarcas' Page of Games

So it turns out that 10 years is a long time in the list of existing webpages. I haven't made *any* updates to this site in at least 5 years (apart from a little edit at the bottom of a copywrite notice to keep the page active when Geocities get all "we're not just doing this for fun boy - update or desist" on my ass).

I've been involved in lots of things since I was the 13 year old who wrote this page, and have a much wider sense of things that interest me which might be interesting to other people. I also have a degree and training which means I could make this look *so* much better (and not be written in HTML 3.2 (was it that long ago?)). I'm pretty sure no one visits here anymore anyway (I had a brief spell of being the top linked Tomb Raider site on the web, which got awkward when people started asking me about solutions to the 4th game (I'd gotten tired of it all be then)), but in case you do..I might be changing it all around.

In the mean time, have a look around and go "Awwwww.." at the hysterical history here (it's like a Way Back Machine archived site that just exists for itself. If you're a fan of music, (shameless promotional plug) you might also like to visit the webpage of the band I manage, I am not lefthanded. We've got a MySpace account (the Geocities of today according to Illiad at http://www.userfriendly.org Have fun, thanks for dropping by and hoefully more useful things will happen here soon.


Before you enter, you must agree to the following terms:

I am at most 120 years of age, and I have a good sense of humour. I enjoy reading and contributing to information about games. I don't think that this paragraph is taking the piss, and I support Free Speech. I am also of the opinion that this whole thing is a waste of time, that the webmaster is very, very sad and is in need of a shrink. Possibly two.

If you agree with all of the above, or if you aren't sure about anything (including life), continue here, for the games information you work looking for (frames included).

Alternativly, you could traverse a similar looking site, without the hinderence of frames (if you desire it, I shall provide...up to a point :-) ) right here.

Otherwise, click Here for CNN Interactive.

Have a Profitable Day Executive

-Syndicate Wars Intro

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