The Definitive Mario Kart 64 Resource
This page is devoted to providing you with the most current tricks
and strategies for the most engrossing 4-player game of all time,

You will also have an opportunity to vote for your favorite Kart character,course, and trick, and to view the accumulated results.
Click here for an explanation of the trick ratings.
hits since May 11, 1997.
Click here to link to a list of lap and track records at n64hq.
Click here to link to DigiPen in Vancouver, B.C.
Click here to link to Powershoes' Site of Stuff, a Wario-related page where you can find pics, sound bytes, and even a cool mock-bio of the misunderstood trickster, Wario.
Click here to link to a DK-dedicated Mario Kart page that covers other aspects of the game (ie. story, weapons, character differences, etc) as well as tips and tricks.

Check out
CamelNet Games!

Page created by: Matao Greig
Changes last made on: Saturday August 23 1997
If you have any suggestions, comments, criticisms, or any other ideas relating to this page, do not hesitate to e-mail me.
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