Welcome to my page. If u have ever played Diablo by u will enjoy this page, the page of the coolest clan.U can choose Polish version if u wanna do this. And if u want to go to other pages, here are links.

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This the page of our biggest enemy. His name is Lord Gloom, he killed almost 60 players in Diablo. he is a collector of ears
This is a link to Blizzard Ent. there u can find last updates of Diablo and other cool things
here u can find cool cheats for Diablo shareware.

At first my character name is Aragorn and my favorite weapon is... U probably want to know something about my clan. So, we r good guys, we hate pk's and player whose inventory is full of ears. We r fighting against them and try to kill'em all, this is a main purpose. So if u know the name of a guy (or guys) who isa pk or a collector of ears just email me with his name and and I'll put it on my hitlist and kill him. If u wanna join my clan send me an email with your character name, lvl u r at the moment, your real name and age, i promiss that i will respond.If u don't want to join and u dont know any pk's u can sign my Guestbook or view it.

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