I am The Blue Ninja. Welcome to my lair.

My various writing - This include a very incomplete back story of the character of BlueNinja, before I gave up role-playing online. It also holds Montoya Valley, a story set in the world of Quest for Glory. Most important is Lord of Distractions, my parody of the computer game Diablo2. At over 76,000 words, it's a bit of a hefty read. Now featuring the seventh (uploaded Apr) picture by Val Starostina. This section includes Shards, my 'sequal' to Lord of Distractions. It is finished, at 149 pages and 70,400 words. Shadows Cast of Hellfire continues the conflict between Heaven and Hell using the grandchildren of the heroes of Shards. It is finished at 195 pages and 98,900 words. The newest story in the Diabloverse is Diablo 2001: Unsung Heroes, in the 'modern' world of Sanctuary. It is at 21,700 words (12 Sep 05).
Amber - This is my set of web pages, briefly explaining the universe of Amber, as written by the late, great Roger Zelazny. It also includes a (very) abbriviated version of the Amber Diceless RPG, published by Phage Press, and some versions of BlueNinja as an Amberite character. Added 2 Aug 04 Uploaded some Trump pictures for most of the major Amberites. No, I don't remember where I found them.
Some character sheets for the other role-playing games I'm interested in are Aberrant (Microsoft Excel), Adventure! (Microsoft Excel), and Fallout (Microsoft Word and Excel). The Adventure! and Fallout sheets are entirely my creation (except for pictures), and the Aberrant is my modification of a sheet created by my Storyteller, Stormbringer.

My list of favorite webcomics - Bored at work? Looking for something to cheer you up? Well, these should help you out.
My list of favorite fanfiction - Bored at work? Looking for something else to cheer you up? Already read all the comics I suggest? Come on, click the link - you know you want to. (updated 06 Jun 06)
Apparently, after looking through my page, I just realized something - nowhere do I have an e-mail address listed to give me feedback about my stories or anything else. Well, I'll just fix that right now - write to the_blue_ninja@yahoo.com and please, put something in the subject that will not lead to me instantly deleting it as junk mail.