This site was designed exclusively for Doomtrooper gamers.

Here you will only find information and sources dedicated to your favorite addiction. You will not find links or advice about any other CCG sites. Your thirst for the best-ever game demanded a place to keep up with your favorite, so we created this with just you in mind. Let us know if there is anything else you want to see and we'll gladly bring it to you.

Below, you will find all the information you can handle. If you are new to the game, enter here and get an idea of what this page is all about.

New For the Game Dark Eden?
Paradise Lost
Card Lists All Expansion Sets
All Sets
Stone Archives
Deck Building Tips Bryan Winter
Tournaments and Standings Standings
Tournament Info
Images Every corporation, Dark Legion, and Brotherhood
Imperial Dreamland
Dark Legion
Links to Doomtrooper Sights Target Games
Patrik's Page
Rob's Page
Unlce BooBoo
S.A. Mutant Chronicals
CCG Doomtrooper
On-Line Retail AC Collectible
Comics Utah Online
Days of Knights
Gamers Haven
Collectable Card Games
Saturn Comics
Star Spangled Comics
B&R Gaming
Enter The Mind
Literature On-Line Magazine
Chat Area Gamerworld
Trading Forum Great Trading Area
Take a look at our application below


Because you want a place to trade your cards, we're going to make it easy for you.
Take a minute to fill out this little form. In about a day or so, we will place the advertisement in the want ads below.
Note: All advertisements will stay posted until you tell us otherwise.

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If there are any problems with your submission, use the e-mail address at the bottom of the page.

Want Ads

#1 of 5
June 11, 1997

I'm looking for: I will trade for or buy the cards I need. Please E-mail me at
if you are interested.

#2 of 5

May 16, 1997

Looking for: Please email Scott M. At:
if you are interested in a trade.

#3 of 5

June 3, 1997

I'm looking for the following cards: Please email me at:
if you are interested in a trade. I have a ton of cards and probably have what you're looking for.

#4 of 5

June 3, 1997

Looking for: Please email the CATMAN at:
If you have something. I have Apostles and tons of other cards to trade.

#5 of 5

June 3, 1997

I'm looking for the following cards: Please email Armel L. at:
if you are interested in a trade.

All images and names on this and following pages are Copyright © 1996 Target Games AB. All rights reserved.

This experience was faithfully
submitted by T.D.L.
Questions, comments, or much needed input -
The Doomtrooper page was last revised June 11, 1997.

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