Welcome to the homepage of...

The Official Mysticus Homepage

Okay, all of you lazybones Mysticans,
October Crown draws nigh, so air out your tents and break out
your garb, for we have an event to go to. That means this is
household event.

    This is the web page of House Mysticus, we are located in the
Kindom of the west, in the pricipality of Cynagua. We were
founded around March of 1993 and have grown to a proud number 
since then.  Our main area of focus is in the bardic arts, 
although we are slowly branching out into other areas. We are 
generally located in the Sacramento Valley area with members in 
Sacramento, Roseville, Galt, Elk Grove, Wilton, Placerville and 
Davis.  If you are interested in our  activities or in joining us 
please contact me for more info. 

   We host a number of people with varying skills like sewing
fighting, musical talents (a wide variety of instruments),crafts, 
art, historical knowledge and much more!  It is surprising to 
some when they meet us because the majority of our members are 
teenagers and people in thier early 20's. We also have families 
too, so our diversity is such that anyone could feel at home next 
to our fires.  Hopefully, someday you will grace our halls and 
hear our music, and maybe share some of your own.  

Click here if you want to see member listings...

If you want to see stuff about future events click here.

Mailto Jack.Frost@mailcity.com
If you have any comments or would like to see anything
posted on this page, please feel free to mail me, and
I guarantee that I will get back to you!
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Harp ImageThis page written by your own: Finn Boru

This is not a publication of the Society for Creative Anachronism
Inc., and does not necessarily represent its policies or views.