This is the original "Haven" below... until this page is totally eradicated. Thanx to all who have helped this site grow to what it was and what it is. Please, people who linked with me and didn't get a notice, please update your links. Thanx.
Aenigma Saaris (aka Reth-Xarius)
Many Years have passed since Haven was first established, in the midst of the Casters of Light and Palladins of , all grouped at the site of the "Shelter amoungst the Hills". Now, times have changed from the primative times of the Ages of Iron, but yet its spirit lives on... a refuge for many, mostly Thieves and Mercenaries, and a Guild for others. Time has evolved the weapons of the present age, the Golden Age.. an age of little warfare as the enemies of Haven have all been fallen by the swords of Reth-Xarius and his faithful allies. Times have changed, and so have its people, more hospitible but more for gain... yet some things still have not, like the hunger for power. Many still fight for positions such as the Thieving Guild, but there are more willing soldiers to fight against to gain such power...
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