See my Messages for the most current information about BtS and this page.
NOTICE: My e-mail address has changed and until I can get around to fixing ALL the e-mail links you'll get no response. Please mail me at if you have any questions or comments. Thanks and I hope to get to correct the links soon.
Well until the folks at Palladium consider this a worthy book to persue again, we will have to make oursleves, as "netizens" content to live with the only book we have, and the resources from pages like mine!
If you have a page dedicated to Beyond the Supernatural, or know a page that is please e-mail me with the page's address and title. I plan on having a guestbook and soon a petition to send to Palladium Books to create more for us BTS fans out here!
Beyond the Supernatural Information Center
Here I will try to answer some of the questions all of you out there have. And whatever I can not give an answer to will go to Palladium's web staff, THEY will answer.... We hope. Well, without further ado, here's the info.
This Palladium Web Ring site is owned by Matthew Bartlett.
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I hope to have the rest up and running soon. It'll be there soon, please check back again soon as I update nearly every other day. Thanks again for visiting.
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Thanks for your help and support.
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