Welcome to Xavier and Sandy's home page :)

It's my first attempt at a page and it isn't very good but it is a start and I needed a place where I could advertise my interests and hobbies. So here it is....

My Name is Xavier Gonzalez.  Born in Switzerland of Spanish parents.  Originally from Sydney, Australia and now living in Toronto, Canada .....phew! try saying that in a hurry :)) I am male, 32 years of age and do not look anything like the guy in the picture..... well maybe just a little.. hahahaha :)

Please have a look around. I have many links to the many places I have found of interest on the Net, hopefully you will too. As well, I have included links to pages of some friends of mine who share similar and other interests.

Ok, now on to the Indiana Jones page :)  Also when you are finnished, you may want to check out these other pages and please do not forget to sign our guet book :)

Special Note, the Indiana Jones page will be moving soon, but do not fear, I will leave this one up for as long as I can (that will be a long time:) and I will leave a link here to the new address :)

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If you have comments or suggestions, email me at sandyxavier@netscape.net
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