check back here every so often if you like what you see and look at newer
additons to the gallery.
Fantasy Characters
Dr. Soames, traveling Alchemist
Jynmare, Vengeance seeking sorceress
Crispia, a very nasty villainess
I created this character from a picture I picked up off the net. She's an Ellyon and thus "silly", but also something of a powerhouse. I don't play these sorts of characters too well, but some few players do manage to keep two often contradictory character elements in sync. If you're that sort of player, have fun with her!
Mylynde, Wizard with a young brother to save
Rosario, fantasy police foresnic mage with an ambition
Hal Bissett Nuclear Demolitions expert
Dr. Larry Seward, Ultra Tech physician
Alphidius Makayne, a VERY tough thug for some future encounter
Grey Four time refuge, first of the "force twins"
Ironwill, a real telepathic mother
Silver Rose, Absorbs three times the mess of ordinary paper towels.
Starbolt, immortal energy projecing Super
Vector, Empowered with the powers of his armor, the 2nd "Force Twin"
An update on my GURPS Alchemical Maneuvers article
I started a fairly active debate on GURPSnet. Some of the suggestions are here. a web compatible character sheet.
Emily 'insert clever saying here' Smirle has a page of some note
Modern/SF/Supers characters
(warning: It's extremely primitive, but runs on Mosaic 2.0, and probably runs on lynx, though
I haven't tested that browser yet.)
Bob Portnell has a similar project for Supers Characters including one of mine as it happens
The inevitable link to Elizabeth "Archangel Beth" McCoy's site: Almost ALL GURPS pages lead there as is ;-). This looks to be one of the less visited pages there.
Jon Berg has his GURPSWorld page up now.
David STarner's page is uup with an interesting look at Darker Magicsk for the game.
All of the Above, The GURPS APA
David Starner has a fairly neat page, sort of around the corner from here if Geocities neighborhoods were realy neighborhoods.
And of course, the GURPSnet FTP site has a fair selection of characters
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