Sonic the Webhog

Nicole sez:

Read ye the mighty Disclaimer!

Welcome to my (slightly) deranged Sonic the Hedgehog webpage!

Well, fans of Sonic the Webhog (all two of you . . . and that includes me), I'm finally updating! YAY! Unfortunately, I don't have all the stuff I promised JUST YET, but I still got some neato keeno things to keep you busy for a while! Check the updates page as usual.

My apologies for being so late in my update (again), 'cause I've just been WAY busy for, like, EVER! I've been trying to work on various writing projects, find time to spend with my galfriend, work on finding a new job, and so on and so forth and so on.

Now, for those of you keeping up, you know that I've been working on a Bunnie shrine . . . well, construction on that has halted for a bit, unfortunately, due to lack of . . . um, work actually being done on it. I've gotten lots of contributions from . . . um, I think they called themselves "Gem" or something like it most of the time (Sorry, I've forgotten and I can't find any of my old e-mails with your name! If you're reading this, mail me so I can credit you correctly!). Many thanks! Work will begin on the shrine again as soon as I can get to it.

Enough of my babbling on, though! On with the show!

This page is ALWAYS under construction!

This page's last major overhaul occured: 6/2/99.
The last minor tune-up occured: 6/2/99.

Sonic sez:

"Just pick a place and I'll get you there in a Sonic Second!"

Rotor's Workshop
Nicole's Mission Archives
Robotnik's Visual Profiles
Sonic: Season Three Project
Jim's Checklist
Sonic's Critic Corner
Al and Cal's Fun Zone
Nack's Passcodes
The MobiaNet Forum
Sally's Survey
Antoine's Freedom Fighter Recruitment Station
Tails' Hangouts
The Lake Of Rings
The Great Forest
The Writer's Block

Li'l Sonic sez:

"Click me for help!"

Tails sez:

"Comments, questions, suggestions, complaints? Send them to Roland Lowery at:
He enjoys hearing from people who can spell."

Mecha-Sonic sez:

"Do, or do not. There is not try."

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