
Quendor my D&D campaign information page (not a lot here, just what players needed to start out).
The "ideal" Helpdesk What is left of my old set of tech support stories.
Watchers World Background information for a D & D game I run.
My National Novel Writing Month Story


Blotto's War - a game I game up with based the game of Blotto's War from Mathematical Game Theory .
Mathematics Stuff My math stuff.
A simple paper I wrote for the 11th annual undergraduate math conference
The Presentation I did at the 12 annual math conference on Self - Organizing Maps

Wolfram Research's Mathworld - Exceedingly usefull !!
Carleton Mathematics Dept. - Usefull, in the control over my degree kinda way :-).
Carleton University Mathematics Society I'm not only a client - I'm also the president!
What is a Proof??? Mathematical Magic - that's what it is :-)
Geometic Differential Forms book Interesting to say the least.
Algebraic Topology Allen Hatcher's book