Warcraft 2 Strategies

Warcraft2 Strategies

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Strategies for the Human Side
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MAKE IT SO - build everything faster
IT IS A GOOD DAY TO DIE - Makes your men stronger and they can't be hurt
HATCHET, AXE, and SAW - chop wood faster
GLITTERING PRIZES - get gold, lumber, and oil
SPYCOB and VALDEZ - Get more oil
DECK ME OUT - Upgrades everything
ON SCREEN - Reveals map
NEVER A WINNER - Disables end sequence
YOU PITIFUL WORM - Admits defeat
EVERY LITTLE THING SHE DOES - Gives you full magic
THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE - Ends the game
TITLE - Speeds up units
NEVER A WINNER - removes victory TIGERLILY - enables level cheats
HUMAN X - (x is the level # to jump to)
ORC X - (same as human)
FASTDEMO - Starts the demo faster at the beggining
NETPROF - Laser like show in background
SHOWPATH - like "on screen" but fog of war is on
UCLA - Display's "Go Bruins"
DISCO(Expansion set only) - plays a Disco song

If you know any cheats that I don't have here, please email me
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These strategies might not all be by me. I will display the makers name and email next to each hint.

Block all the areas the enemy can get to your town with big armies. When they enemy attacks your armies should hold them off. When they attack they use most of there fighting men (So they have less people to attack YOUR armies with). Attack there town with your armies from all sides, corners, etc. Since they have no one trained to deffend them you should get a victory very soon!

By Montana-----reidfamily@img.net

An easy way to get your men across water into enemy territory without being seen is to cast invisibility onto a transport ship. It will seem like your men are coming out of nowhere.

By Me-----da1_brain@geocities.com

Make sure when your not in battle to heal all of your men using your knights. This will save you time and money later on. You should also do this during battle if possible.

By Me-----da1_brain@geocities.com

Cast invisibility on someone and then flame shield before going into battle to confuse the opponant.

By Me-----da1_brain@geocities.com

Cast polymorph on dragons to minimize their effectiveness

By Me----- da1_brain@geocities.com

Use flameshield on critters and on the opponant's peasants or peons

By Me----- da_brain@earthlink.net

Cast invisibility on a mage and have him walk to the enemy base and stand right in the path of the enemies peons. (Or have him stand in the middle of alot of troops) Then have the mage cast blizzard on himself(the mage's own spell won't hurt him) This will really make the guy(gal) your playing mad because he will have to build alot more peons, or troops.
By Duane Graham--egraham@iadfw.net

Stand about a screen away, cast 3 blizzards on mage, cast 1 on the group of troops, and put the rest of his mana to work blizzarding in front of the mage. Guaranteed to kill all or at least most of their troops if done correctly.
By Mick--pollittpa@axp.appstate.edu

If you build a flyer cast invisibility on it and spy the whole map...The spell will probably last you enough to reveal the whole map.
By Mephiston--Liviu@ftn.net

All transports can be fixed by parking them on land and getting a peon/peasant to repair it.
By Mephiston - Liviu@ftn.net

I do not guaranty that hints by anybody other than myself will work. Also, if you are not satisfied by my hints, Then
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One way to get extra men for free is to kill alot of enemy peasants and then raise dead. They may not be powerful, but you can get alot of them.

By Me ------da1_brain@geocities.com

Cast bloodlust whenever going in to battle, you men will be able to kill almost twice as many men as normal.

By Me-----da1_brain@geocities.com

Use touch of death on critters to steal their power.
By Me------ da_brain@earthlink.net

Use runes on narrow places, then use touch of death to make the opponant come to you. The runes should kill them.
By Me----- da1_brain@geocities.com

Instead of Using axethrowers for dragons, use death knights' death coil. Plus the death knights are good for other things too, while axethrowers get killed fast.
By Driad --- rfkirr@gatecom.com

Before you make a death knight cast death and decay, have others cast haste a so he can have a quick getaway .
By Driad --- rfkirr@gatecom.com

I do not guaranty that hints by anybody other than myself will work. Also, if you are not satisfied by my hints, then
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Strategies For Both

Repairing a building while it is being built increases the building speed, but uses more resources.
By ?????

Often times, it is a good choice to quickly build a barracks before anything else. This will allow you to quickly get men before anyone else so you can attack right away. This will often put your opponant at an early disadvantage.
By Me-----da1_brain@geocities.com

If your enemy has just invaded with a huge armada of ships and your enemy is the computer, just start building more ships immidiatly and have an oil tanker circle in between the enemy ships. Usually this works and their fire will be on your oil tanker, which is still moving. This especially works on juggernaughts or Battleships since they hit targets surrounding their orriginal target. Which in this case is probbably their own ships.
By ?????

Get a destroyer to guard your platforms When you invade bring a Peasant or Peon to build a Barracks, Temple of the Damned, or Mage Tower If you need to build a bunch of platforms use one tanker to build many.
by Peter LaValle

An easy way to protect your city is to put farms on the outskirts and than have guard towers in closer to your city. This way, the enemy is busy killing the farms which have 200 power i think, and your guard towers will kill them. Later you can repair.
By Da1Brain --- da1_brain@geocities.com

For good defense build a line of guard towers then back them up with ballistas or cannon towers.
By Sean --- KAK@Geocities.com

If you have your peasant or peon take one chop at the trees, when your town hall is built you will have 100 extra lumber. If you build a lumber mill instead, you will receive 125 extra.
By John Thrasher --- Trasher@mont.mindspring.com
Edited By TheXtreme --- sl7xv@cc.usu.edu

This strat is very simple, but simplicity is often the most effective. I call it Alamo Tactics. Based on the pud its objective is to build footmen/grunts fast, and lots of em. Don't waste time upgrading or building anything but barracks and farms. Build lots of both of these and lots (I mean tons) of footmen/grunts. Attack in the first 5-10 minutes of the game and more'n likely they won't be able to handle the onslaught. At the very least it will severly cripple them. And some wounds never heal. Remember: first priority is units and farms. Surplus gold can be spent to upgrade, but flooding an area with guys is the most effective way to win. Numbers win battles.
By Artemis --- LeeKwai@web-ster.com

And the best tip of all...
I call this cut the vain. It is for two player game not for computer. I call this cut the vain because you cut off there gold supply and that is like a vien. Here is how you do it... Take 1 ballista 3 kights and 2 peasents. Frist you have to find there gold mine. If it has less than 25,000 don't bother. If it has less than 25,000 than build this in close gold mines that the player will have to move to soon. if it has more than 25,000 or you are moveing to a closer gold mine this is what you have to do. Send in the and peasents to the gold mine. The kights are there to protect the peasents so if they are attacking move them in too. Use the peasents to build towers and walls wall in each tower. One peasents builds a wall and another builds the tower. Upgrade the tower to an arrow tower. Repeat about 3 to 4 times. Here is where the knight and ballista come in. since the walls are built around the arrow towers they are now going to be attacked by ground units. The only ground unit that is abale to attack is a ballista. Use your ballista and knights to kill all ballistas. Preaty soon your enemy will run out of money. This is when you take mages and demo squads to blow up all farms and towers. After they are gone that is when you attack with regular men(archers, ballista footmen, and knights). These men will destroy all of the other buildings or men. The good part about this is that there are no more peasents to build somewhere else because they are killed by the towers or your enemy does not have enough gold. Great way to kill. By Me-----da1_brain@geocities.com

I do not guaranty that hints by anybody other than myself will work. Also, if you are not satisfied by my hints, then
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New! Warcraft1 Codes

Thanks to Greg - beachys@softcom.net, here are codes for Warcraft1

Please note, to activate codes, first type in "CORWIN OF AMBER"

Pot Of Gold - gives you gold
Iron Forge - Increases weapon power
Sally Shears - shows all of the map
Hurry Up Guys - speeds up building and training men
There Can Only Be One - kills enemies in one shot
Yours Truly - skips level
Crushing Deafeat - lose battle
Ides Of March - beats game
Eye Of Newt - gives all spells

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Last Updated 6-25-97
The Time

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