The World of Nasha Koria

What is Nasha Koria? It is a cooperative game world that has gone
through 18 years of play. We started the game with Dungeons and Dragons
Second Edition. It has gone into DND3.0 and finally finds itself in
DND3.5. There are customized rules for the campaign world based on the
high power play that goes with it.
The world of Nasha Koria has seen many upheavals and events in the last 50
in game years.
Native Gods have resurfaced in force after the Batra/Inari
Invasion. The visiting deities from other realities were forced to give back the
influence that they usurped. The returning deities aren't too happy with how the
worshippers show their devotion or lack of.
A powerful entity causes havoc through the ages. A powerful wizard turned lich
to facilitate and prepare a generation to do battle but the clues were far from
clear and the lich has left the world. An ancient evil uses old servants
to enter Nasha Koria.

Plots within plots, enemies abound a plenty. And it is up to the few brave
souls to come together and form a group to thwart the machinations of mortals
and sometimes the immortals.
Are you brave enough to enter?

Last Updated:
Updated by: Kyramus
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