The Sabbat of NYC
World of Darkness
World of Darkness
This page is dedicated to Role-Playing Games (or RPGs) and as such
is destined to a mature audience. If this doesn't suit your tastes, you can
leave by clicking on the back button on your browser or by clicking here.
World of Darkness
Now there are a few things that need to be said. Personal Thanks to those
who helped me with this page or in my work in the World of Darkness.
Then there is my Disclaimer in order to avoid criminal charges and things
like that. Finally, a little bit about your Host, the cloaked figure who is
always in the background.
World of Darkness
If you have any comments, suggestions or questions, E-mail me!
Note: Je parle français et si vous voulez que je traduise
quelque chose, vous n'avez qu'à m'écrire.
World of Darkness
World of Darkness
Here are the different sections of my page:
World of Darkness
The Illumination
The page where I describe the material for my chronicle
World of Darkness
Sabbat Links
The largest list of Sabbat links on the web
Now has over 100 links!!
World of Darkness
World of Darkness Links
Some sites that I believe to be worth visiting
World of Darkness
Miscellaneous Links
Here are my links which are neither related to
RPGs nor to the World of Darkness
World of Darkness
World of Darkness
The links in red (in any section) will be added soon because this page is
still under construction (last updated on March 28th, 1998).
World of Darkness
Last Updates! The latest changes to this site.
World of Darkness
Here is the number of vampires in my Sabbat pack: 
World of Darkness
Part of the Great RPG Archive
World of Darkness
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World of Darkness
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