Bungalow Bob's Home Page
creative title, eh?
The official mascots of Bungalow Bob's Home Page.

last updated 11/22/1997
Too many days till Christmas
Quote of the week:
"Even my bikini goddess would be panting right now" --Cid Highwind
(Side note: just what the hell is a bikini goddess?? If you have an idea, send it in!
Welcome to Bungalow Bob's Home Page. This page is devoted to interesting things on the Internet. Which doesn't narrow it down a whole lot, but you will eventually find some interesting stuff here. Please hit reload each time you come here to see any new stuff I have put on here. Also tell your friends and family about this site!
Wow. Been a long time. Well, this will most likely be my last update. Not like anyone actually visits my page. I leave you all with a Disco Inferno, 'cuz I like it. As for the "bikini goddess" poll, the ballots are running about 3 to 1 "that mural on the side of the Highwind", so I guess we'll declare it the winner. Later now.
Well, after another reformat, thanks in no small part to Packard Bell's criminally incompetent tech support (thanks a lot, Josh), here I am again. I have decided to make a web page devoted to Final Fantasy, not just VII but all of them, which I am at work on right now. So, don't expect many (if any) updates from here on out, but this page will stay up, and I'll find time to put something on here from time to time. Thanks a bunch, it's been fun, Talon Entertainment, here I come...
Sorry about the lack of updates recently, but my hard disk completely crashed. This, coupled with the fact that I just got Final Fantasy 7 (cid's da man) means that there will be very few updates in the near future, sorry. After experiencing the game first-hand, I am contemplating making a site 100% devoted to FF7 (like there aren't enough out there already). Oh, and if you don't have it, buy it. It's the best purchase you could ever make.
FF7 vital stats:
Hours spent playing: 28
Hours since buying the game: 96
Percentage of time playing:Only 30% (dang school gets in the way of everything)
Hours of sleep since purchasing: 10
Coolest character: Cid (followed by Red XIII)
Best song: Sending A Dream Into The Universe
Storyline: Ever cried?
Amount paid: $54.99
Worth it? Every freaking penny
Biggest shock: End of Disc 1
Nausea? You bet
Hottest hottie: Tifa
Safe in Nibelheim Mansion: Arrgh!
Two words actually yelled out loud while playing: "Move, Aerith!"
Way Longer Than It Needed To Be: Gaea's Cliff
Cid's smoking rate: Twelve packs a day
Number of times someone has said "Sh*t" so far: 16
Nmuber of "^$%#&!"'s: I lost count
"Even my bikini goddess would be panting right now:" Bikini goddess???
Super Dunk: Zen experience
Final boss: Haven't I seen this guy somewhere before?
Barret: Mr. T (I swear!)
Ending: And?
Tenz Kovikh (off the subject): Tweety bird
Dio: Weirdo
Development time:1 month too little
Soundtrack: In the mail
Funniest moment: Tifa and Scarlet's pimp slap fight
Sephiroth: Gray hair at his age??
Most frustration: Missing the Steal materia and not realizing until the end
Sequel planned: I'll bet they're working on it right now... *drool*
Most annoying Turk: Rude
Don Corneo: Say it out loud
"I'll smash them:" I'd pay to see that
Supernova: How do those planets keep regenerating?
Some MORE icons in the Final Fantasy Adenture .gif Icon Collection., a total of 92 now. See them all come out and take a bow!
Read a poem I was emailed. I'm supposed to send this to 10 other people, so I thought I could reach the most this way. Read that last line twice.
I just cleaned out the front page, which looks pretty barren as a result. Don't worry, everything else is still here and there wasn't anything good on the front page to start with.
Well, I had quite a lot of caffeinated beverages one night, and around 1 am, I got the idea to create a VRML or two. So I got Internet 3D Space Builder, got out my Final Fantasy 3 player's guide, sat down, and around 9 the next morning, Virtual Jidoor was the result. Of course, ISB screwed up, causing the textures to be messy (and causing Netscape to crash on my computer). But it works on most computers, so if you're interested in a weird-looking VRML Final Fantasy 3 city, check it out. There is also South Figaro, which did not finish completely before crashing, and as a result looks extremely crappy. But FF3 fans might get a kick.
Virtual Imperial Palace was done, until I tried running it and it again crashed. After removing the textures it ran perfectly, so I uploaded it sans textures. So, here's some advice: do not buy Internet 3D Space Builder. It is crummy. If you can recommend a VRML 2.0 editor that is actually good, I will worship you. Also, if you so desire to be worshiped by me, send me a screenshot of the interior of the Imperial Palace (not the exterior one with Locke from the FF3 box), the Magitek Factory, or Kefka's Dungeon.
You will need a VRML 2.0 capable browser to view these. You can get Netscape's Live3D 2.0; or, pick up the one I use: CosmoPlayer from Silicon Graphics.
The Scariest Thing On The Internet, Ever. This will give you nightmares. I am not kidding.
My chat room where you can get in touch with your inner self (and no one else's).
Various Crud I wanted to take off the front page.
Glutton for punishment? Click here.
To my download page.
To my MIDIs page.
To my links page.
Mail me.

plus about 160 since it reset.