Marshal Lambert's Deadlands Website
Dedicated to Deadlands:The Weird West
Last updated 17th March 1999
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Greetings from Marshal Lambert, one of the many Englishmen visiting the so-called "Weird West". It tends to get a bit unsavoury around these Weird Western locales so what I've devised for you are new hexes, miracles, favours, gizmos, npc's, adventures, and much, much more to help you make it through another day in the Deadlands...!
Most of you will already know what the Deadlands RPG is all about, but just in case you don't, here's a quick summary...
The game is set in the Old West of America in 1876, a time of lawlessness, gambling, and adventure where outlaws were heroes, and a reputation was everything. Of course, you already know this from books and Dime Novels, but here's where the Weird West differs from the Wild West:
- A vengeful Indian Shaman called Raven, tired of the White Man's greed, travelled the world collecting up magical items and knowledge until he worked out a way to rid his homeland of those that had slaughtered his tribe. He gathered a group of like-minded Indians, called The Last Sons and, in 1863, did something terrible that brought down evil spirits (called Manitou by the Indians) to wreak havoc on the world. This event was known as the Reckoning although few folks realise anything is amiss...
- Then Raven did something nearly as nasty in 1868. He tricked the earth spirits and caused a huge earthquake on the San Andreas fault which sunk California into the sea, killing tens of thousands. This area is now known as the Great Maze on account of the huge coastal cliffs and sea-filled canyons left by the disaster.
- After the 'quake, a new mineral was found in the region called Ghost Rock, this substance burns longer and stronger than coal and has spawned a new era of scientific discovery. Mad Scientists from across the globe have settled in America, building fantastic gizmos powered by the strange Ghost Rock, unknowingly helped by the invisible Manitous who whipser into their ears to help them come up with their blueprints.
- One of the after effects of the Reckoning was the stalemate reached by both sides in the American Civil War, the battles are still raging in 1876 despite both the North and South being low on manpower and equipment. Y'see after Ghettysburg (on the day of the Reckoning itself) all the dead troops from the battle field got up and rounded on their comrades. Such an unnatuaral and distressing event stopped both sides in their tracks and made them think a little. Neither side looks set to win a decisive victory in the near future.
- All this magical energy released upon the Earth from the Hunting Grounds (the spirit world where the Manitous come from) has brought about a few changes. Blessed preachers are now able to perform wonderous miracles through their Faith alone, Indian shamans can ask magical favours of the Nature Spirits, and mysterious Hucksters pose as gamblers whilst performing Hexes using the power of the chaotic Manitous.
- And finally, the awful evil power that has been unleashed has brought with it strange new creatures to terrorise towns and praires From gigantic Mojave Rattlers and Maze Dragons to sinister Jackalopes and shadowy Night Haunts. Not to mention the fact that killing a fellow just the once isn't always enough, sometimes folks come back from the grave in the form of Harrowed, with strange new powers which can be used for good...or for ill!
So there's the story, if you want to know more about the game then you can check out the Official Deadlands Homepage put together by the industrious chaps at Pinnacle Entertainment Group, but for now why don't you see what goodies I've got lined up for you by having a browse through the Contents Page?
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Deadlands is a registered trademark of Pinnacle Entertainment Group Inc. Copyright 1997, 1998, 1999 Pinnacle Entertainment Group Inc. All rights reserved / Certain images courtesy of PEG inc., White-Wolf & WOD RPG, Tim Truman, and various other Websites around the 'net. Good Work Fellas! / I suppose I'd also better give a hello to all my friends out there - Adam Whitehouse, Clare Davies, James Mason, Michael Hunter, Mitchel Harvey, Andy Jones, Rikki Briddon, Dimitrios Lymperakis, Nikos Fragiskos, Brother Dunc, Paul Willetts, everyone else, and of course girly-friend Esther - there, that's all you're getting
This page was last updated on 17th March '99.