MACE 64 + Duke Nukem codes go to codes link!
Tell me how you like the page email me at:
This page is dedicated to N64 and Video/Computer games. CODES have there own page now. Just go down to "links" and go to codes!
NEW!Hexen, Extreme G, Clayfighter 63 1/3, and Dark Rift codes on the code page!
*Nintendo has lowered the price of an N64 to $149.99
*64DD delayed in Japan to March 98'
*Nintendo has sold over 2.6 million systems in the US and over 5 million world wide
*N64 is Time's "Machine of the year"
*Star Fox 64 and Goldeneye will be 4 player games
*Mario 64 is titled "Best video game ever"
*Duke Nukem 3-D is coming out on November 14 but the bikini clad dancers will now be wearing t-shirts and you cant shoot them
*Nyko is realesing the thunder pack the same as the rumble pack. It will come out on July 16 at 16.99.
*64DD in Japan will be sold at $120
*Super Mario 64-2 will be coming out in 1999. In two player mode you can play as Luigi!
*Mario 64 and Waverace 64 have been re-released in Japan now compadible with the rumble pack.
*Gex:Enter the Gecko will be coming to the N64 in the 1st or second Quarter.
*Madden 64 is coming out in November
*Bowling79 is nominated Vice President of The N64 Army(A N64 Club). If you would like to join email me at
*Yoshi's Island 64 is renamed to Yoshi's Story.
*Croc is coming out for the N64 in 98'
*A modem has been made for the N64 and has been released in Japan
*Nibrid Heaven a 3D/RPG by konami will be released in Q2 98'. This game rocks
*Banjo Kazooie and Yoshi's Story will be delayed to early 98'
*Diddy Kong Racing coming out 11/24/97
*Namco is to release two games for the N64
*Zelda 64 is coming out on April or May 98'
*The microphone pack is being made in Japan for Rpg games. You can actually talk on the game!
*New Star Wars game in development
*Chameloen Twist is coming out to the N64 on Dec 3
*MK:Mithologies delayed until December
*64DD is delayed until July 98' in Japan
*Zelda 64 is renamed to Zelda:Ocarina of time
*Turok 2 to come out on Aug., 30, '98
*Yoshi's Story is delayed to Feb 23, '98
REVIEWS now have there own page go down to the link part of the page and go to "REVIEWS", New Reviews!
Ever had a question about n64/64DD? For now on, I will answer all
your questions about N64/64DD, just email me your questions at
Go to this link:
For this weeks N-Mail
Take this link forLast weeks N-Mail
N-Poll is when I give you a question and you tell me what you think. Here's this weeks N-Poll:
What is your favorite N64 game? Go to this link:For the results of this
weeks N-Poll
Give your votes at
***The N-Poll idea came from Odie39564***
I now have a Readers Review section!(RR) go to the reviews link and go to
the bottom of the page.
SCORE BOARD:I will post your best times on Mario Kart 64 email me!(
Here some top scores all by Justin Withem:
5:04:00 on Rainbow Road
2:39:12 on Wario Stadium
1:46:54 on Koopa Troop Beach
I have been playing Ultimate Doom alot lately I have some codes for it:
***Just type these in when your playing***
***Will not work on "Nightmare"***
IDKFA-All weapons/Ammo
IDDT-Map**do this three times for the full map***
IDCLEV X/Y-X=Eposode Y=Level(skips)
IDSPISPOPD-no clipping
S=Berzerker punch
R=Radiation suit
Mace 64 and Top Gear Rally is reviewed!!! Go to the reviews link!
Here's the world population. over 6 million of them own a N64!
Visit my friends page!:Click here!
Vist my Playstation page:Click here!
Links to other sites on the Web
CODES a whole bunch of them
Makers of C&C/Red Alert
Thank you for you patience on my page. We are under going major construction. Come back soon!
This page is udated alot. Remember if you like Playstation or Satuarn this isn't the page for you!
hits since 10/20/97
This page is part of the 100 hits per month club if you
would like you site to be included in the 100 hits per month club email me at your site must have at least 100 hits per month)
Do you want to your site to part of the biggest link exchange? IF so email me at
Do you have a code for a game thats not on this page? If so email me at and your code will be posted with all the credit going to you!