Fallon's Mail
Welcome to my site!
This is your site for fantasy, fun, and exotic chain mail. All my mail is made by hand and is of the highest quality. All mail is made to you size. No one size fits all here. Your measurments will be used to make properly fitting piece of armor.
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Custom Armor
If you can think of something that I do not make and you would like to have made for you, send me an E-Mail. Do a small drawing and write a few words about what it is, what it is for, and how it should were. All ideas will be acepted that are within my ablity. Nothing is too strange.
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Try Your Own Hand
I also sell the rings and provide paterns to those who wish to try their own hand. It takes time and patience, but if you have both you stand to save a fair amount of money. I can also help those who buy from me VIA E-mail. Look for the ring amounts and prices in my catalog.
Fallon's Mind
This is a colection of my thoughts. Thats right poems. If you have any that you would like to put into Fallon's Mind please E-Mail it to me.
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