Freedom from what? Politics? Religion? Identity?
Or maybe I seek freedom from my everyday life?!?
What can I say for myself? I plan on including links to friends pages later
on in this new thing. For now, let me think about what I want to put here.
Know that I am interested in nothing so don't expect too much!
Force me to think too much and I might RAGE!
Well I hope none of you feelTHREATENED, because there is no need to be. If still you are fearful, head to the Highlands,or the Salon where I am sure you will be safe!
Otherwise, just laugh it off and check out some of the links that I (Michael C. Riedlinger!! Me! Moi! Mich! Not You!Not My friend Mike Huyett! Me!) like.
Glossary for Gamers of the Undead!
Pics of my beautious familmy!!
Spare time is spent at

My friends Scott and Breeanne after a Vampire Game.

I'm in the Middle of Sam and Roger, the two guys who also assumed Storyteller Duties in the Vampire game I ran in 96-97.
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