Hey, all my buds! Welcome to my page! My name is Uncle Johnny D and this is my totaly rad pad on the web! This place is basicaly were my freind joe ups all his pics and sounds since theres no room at angelfire, so hes using geocities. [br] There used to be all the pics on this front page, but joe got pissed off since he has a cheap modem and dont wana spend an hour waitin for every thing to come up. Since i do nothing but work for this lard butt office guy I can't really do much. I'm getting bored with this hmtl stuff and i'll let joe put all the pics up, and anyway i have to get back to work!!!!!!!
<<>U can email me at unclejohnnyd@hotmail.com if you want, and mail joe at xiaogui@pipeline.com (I spelled it right this time!)

This site protected by Choco Faggot Head!
Official Tamagotchi of the satanic anti-cheese cult of the masturbating cow.
Now that that random act of stupidity is over, I think I'll get to work. This is Joe. You will know that because I actually use grammar and don't make mistakes in my HTML. This is a dump spot for all the pictures located on the RADOH Homeroom. This page also serves as a picture gallary, of sorts, just so Geocities doesn't get on my back. I broke the pictyres up into seperate pages, since it's as slow as hell waiting for them to download all on one page. You CANNOT use any of these pictures without the requested permission of Overlord Joe.
TFC Pictures
Greenpoint Pictures
Tamagotchi pictures
Duke Nukem Pictures
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