Chris Lawrence's Web "Presence"!

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Chris Lawrence's Humor has infected many with its humorous humor! Just listen to a few satisfied customers:


"I was driving my SUV through the forest and killing as many squirrels as I could (I hate squirrels) when all of a sudden I thought about one of Chris Lawrence's comedy bits I heard when I was in 'Nam when I was a Colonel in his Majesty of Australia's Armed Wiener Hound Brigade where I killed a couple hundred Chinese or Italians or West Virginians or something. Anyway, I laughed so hard that I hit the gas really hard and ran over a few more squirrels. THANKS CHRIS LAWRENCE!! "

-Charles, Lower East Side of NY




"When I fell out of a tree and was bitten by a dog, I suffered extreme injuries. I had been trying to sue everyone from the owner of the tree to the father of the dog to George Lucas, but I wasn't getting anywhere. The judge kept saying that just because I happened to be in a tree near Madonna's house and was taking pictures of her nursing her baby with a log-range photographic lens in the middle of the night that I was trespassing! Whatever! Anyway, Chris Lawrence wrote something once and I thought it was funny! THANKS CHRIS LAWRENCE!! "

-Paul, Asia

