04/12/05: I have got a .com name now... check it out at www.archerdesigncorp.com.

12/04/04: Well guess what...  I redesigned my page again. Hope you like it....

09/24/04: I am redesigning for a new look today, so bare with me for a while, until I get my pages and images uploaded, and thanks for visiting.

02/03/04: Well I know I haven't updated anything for a while but I added
more code to the code section. Hope you find it useful.

10/24/03: Well I probably won't be making anymore changes to my site for a while, because I'm satisfied about the way it looks, and it's easy for people
to learn html through my page. If you have any questions about anything
please feel free to contact me.

10/10/03: Today is the day I launch my new webpage.
I have been studying html code and all different kinds of coding techniques.
In my study of these different codes I found many neat and exciting things.
If you wish to see them, click the codes button on the side.

10/10/03: Today I found a better way to do my rollover buttons. If you are interested, click view source and see what I did different.

10/09/03: Today I am designing a new layout for my web design. I am really excited because I finally figured out how to make scroll bars work with tables
and cells.