Hello! Welcome! If you haven't read a good book lately go to Love Access.com & see my profile under ZChevrolet (Rich Skarda). I might be the lucky person U may be looking for; & U could be the lucky person who's been looking for me. Then again that could be presumtious on my part so I put this site together to give U some insight that will allow U to use "your best judgement" as who I really am. All that I ask is U read this website with an open mind & don't consider any conclusions until you've given it some thought by reading all the site has to offer & think considerably what it has informed U of. I would really like U to think in terms of objectivity.

"RICH SKARDA" I see you saved time and U clicked over to my bio page for a great time. My HTML experience allowed me to put together web pages with many interesting pictures worth 1000 words giving U a better view into my life. Some of the things I love to do is draw, paint and play my guitars. I have a unique GOD given talent to be able to work with my hands. I love music, watching movies, watching NASCAR races, watching NHRA races, watching college football, working on cars eating in, eating out at fine restaurants, grilling out & being sociable. I stay in shape with mild exercise lifting weights. I love good conversations! Listening to music and watching movies. Thank U for taking the time to check me out & I hope to talk to U soon. Feel free to email me and ask anything that U would like to know. Sincerely your friend, Rich.
Erin is twelve and Jarrett is ten years old.
I have joint custody after divorcing their mother. They think Dad can build them anything, mainly toys & if I can't build toys they think I ought to be able to buy them. Oh my kids! I love them so dearly. The divorce I served has been the hardest experience I have had to go through in life! Some things are getting better. We just take things day by day. They may stay with me basically anytime as my ex is civil when it comes to the children. I have legal rights every other weekends, Wednesday nights & the usual alternating holidays which I find becoming every holiday as my ex is great at sharing time between the both of us.
This is Mom Sharon & my Dad Richard "Dick" he also happens to be Richard Edward & named me Richard Michael because he didn't want me to be Richard Junior. This is after finishing the dining room in their house. They put new wallpaper up, Dad painted, and they also installed a hard oak wood floor. Together they are both pretty handy at home improvement projects. Dad is a great painter & Mom is good at wallpapering but it's hard to get them working together. It is kind of like getting the Hatfield's & McCoy's to a family picnic; so, they are looking proud of their accomplishments & it really does look nice as do many of the other rooms in their house that they have redone! |
At this point I would like to allow U an intermission since much has been written in a short amount of space & U may reflect what U have read so far & begain to evaluate your opinion as to wheather U wish to continue to read on or simply know that the foundation for friendship or chemistry between us is just not there. Friendship I believe is the starting point for anything else that would continue to develop in the future. Once again I would like U to make an approach very open minded as this is a new technique that U many have not dealt with before reading a Bio on the Internet. Please relax & take it easy & enjoy my website.
MY other best friends. Sophie the black Schipperke (pronounced "schipperkey"). and Sadie the Pomeranian. I don't know exactly how old Sophie is as we were given the dog by someone who found it wondering. Sadie will be five years old in late April. They are great friends together. They have lots of room to run in the fully fenced back yard. Since Sophie occupied the house first & is of course larger she lets Sadie know she is still boss of the roost. They are great companions and follow me everywhere.
Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of hosts, the earth is full of thy glory. Glory be to Farther, glory be to the Son, glory be to the Holy Spirit
Our Father who art in heaven! Hallowed be thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil Amen,
Hail Mary full of grace! The Lord is with thee; blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary Mother of God pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

In closing I
want to THANK GOD for everything that U see here & all that is in my life for making it
possible. I want to thank U for visiting & feel free to return often because I may always be
updating. One thing I would like to say is please don't be to quick to consider a long distance
relationship impossible, If U sincerely believe in a chance, make an effort, travel. I know I am
not afraid to travel & obviously have the means to do it. I would be glad to meet U at a
location of your choice. Don't ever have an attitude that I just can't because to me can't means
won't. I believe when a sincere friendship starts; love may be found! That chance should never be
abandoned. Give it the possibility of an honest thought. I pray that your consideration will rest in our favor. Copywright Rich Skarda 2009
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you like NASCAR & NHRA Top Fuel Dragsters! I know more women than will admit like the thrill of car racing! Or they may appreciate the site of a well kept or unique car, including their own! |

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