You Make me Sick with all your Stupid Singing. When I find Your Stupid Village I'm gonna burn you all!!!!
Is Gargemel Really That Bad?
Is Gargemel really that bad? No, if you ask me he is a model citizen. I mean he knows what he wants and goes after it. He doesn't give up easily either. Think about it, after how many countless shows has been after those anoying smurfs? Too many if youask me.You say its bad to eat Smurfs? Look at what you guys eat! Pigs, cows, sheep, or what ever inocent animal you might ahave a craving for. It just so happens that Gargemel has a craving for Smurfs. Its not his fault that the Smurf are that brave and smart. In fact he's just going easy on 'em I mean he has dedicated his whole life to getting these little cretters. Once he does actually get them whathappens to him then. what is he going to hunt bunnies? I don't think so , but it might be kinda fun to use his magic on them. Well, In my opinion he isn't really all that bad like people think he is. I think he deserves a reward for being the most persistant Hunter. I mean after every single day he still gets up just to think of a new way to get those rodents. So what I'm trying to say is that you shouldn't treat him that bad.
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