<BGSOUND SRC="/queechi1/userfiles:/user/dbgtending.mdi" LOOP=INFINITE>
Queechi's Dbz Rpg
Feb. 28** Due to a course of events I will not be able to start the rpg until April 1st(well at least I have a set date) but I nedd more members! so get people.

Feb. 11** Alright about 10 members, If your not on and you signed up try joining again.

Feb. 1st** Its all done yay! Now if I only had some members... Ok everyone tell your freinds.

Jan.  16** Keep Waiting...

Dec. 24** Almost done, keep checking

** Just Starting, take your charachters now.
You need Java to see this applet.
Magus' dbz site

RoseBud Thirteen RPG
Visual Basic Forum
Magic The Gathering
Bongo's DBZ RPG
You must have AOL instant messenger to fight, or you can do it in a chatroom or something just use my rules