The Lacasse Family
David's Links:
What is on this Site
Dark Ages Of Camelot
This is a collection of pictures for our family members and friends to view and enjoy.  The one to the left was taken at Busch Gardens, Williamsburg, Virginia. 
DAoC Warcry
Clan Wulf
Google Search Engine
Family Pictures
Hobbies and Interests
My name is David and I enjoy working in the garden.  Since we recently moved my garden in in the under construction.  I also like to play on the PC, and build them.  I play an online game called Dark Ages of Camelot and enjoy it very much. 
Group Pictures
Dax, our dog
Family Interests
Stinky, our cat
Our family interests vary but here goes,  Melanie is a quilter,  David is a computer geek, Cameron is big into PC's like his Dad, Kyle loves trucks and playing outside and Karynna loves playing dress up and bossing her big brothers around.
The pet sections have been added, click away
E-Mail Us
Check out our trip to Busch Gardens
In Loving Memory of
Alphonse G. Lacasse
March 7, 1941 - May 8, 2000
This is the most recent picture of our garden.  We have many others but since we just moved into the place we are having a hard time finding them in the confusion.  They are of the house in it's various stages of building.  Click on the picture above to see some other angles. 
Click on the picture above to view more pictures of my Dad.  Believe it or not he was actually a very cute child.   :)
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