The Trinity
Website & Homepage
Welcome to my website. For those of you who don't know me, try reading my 3-Page Memior. For those of you who know me IRL, try visting my RPG & Chat Room. For my friends in Georgia, there is a section of this site dedicated espically for you. Simply click here. For my other friends that I have never met over the net, IM me over AIM, and I can give this website some perspective in your eyes.
Georgia, On My Mind
Stranded, At The Drive In
I Am Yours, You Are Mine, We Are What We Are
You Are My Soul, And My Inspiration
Lyrics & Link Explanations
This page was created on June 14th, the day before I got out of school. The idea has been in my head for sometime now, I just never got around to sitting down and writing this up until now.
My name is Mark, most people know me as Marc, and that is the name I preferred to be called.
I can be emailed Here but don't bother writing unless you have something nice to say, I do screen my emails.
Last edited: 6-14-01