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EBCRAN(Real Audio)
Welcome to Earthbound Central. Hope you enjoy your stay, and remember "It's All About Earthbound Stuff"
 EBC 4th Annaversary Wallpaper! Tom Aitken's TOP50 Favorite Games ver 2! The Final Fantasy: Tom's RPG Completion Quest 2003 EBC Presents: The Legend of Dragoon Tribute Site (coming soon!) Behind the Site: About your Webmaster (Coming Soon!)   Read the tri-weekly web comic "The Game Shifter" By Tom Aitken!   EBC's Videogame of the Update... (1 new review, 6.7.03!)   Read the EB series novels! EBzero by James Day, Earthbound By Marshall, and Earthbound2: The PSI Stones By Tom Aitken!

Happy 5th Birthday EBC!!!
Hello, everyone! I'm just updating to tell everyone that EBC is 5 YEARS OLD now! Our official "birthday" was on May 18, 2004! As for EBC's future? I'm still working on the new look, and it's going to be the best EBC yet! But it's taking alot longer than the other redesigns because I'm building from the ground up, and I've been expermenting. But I think by Mid-July or Early-August you should have EBC2k5. As I mentioned before I plan on simplfying the new look, the old arcitecture for EBC has gotten a bit out of date and clumsy to use. For example, the Earthbound section, it's broken into Info, pics, guide, review and main, that's 5 links in the menu when most of that stuff could be combined to one page. Hopefully that helps to see where I'm going with EBC2k5. OH YEAH... Just to let you know I added a new Link to the links section to Hotel Darkmoon, it's a cool site that you should check out, while you wait for me to finish up 2k5! So I'll talk to you all later! Bye EB fans! |

Posted on May 22nd, 2004 at 2:20pm

Another: Just a little update...
I'm back EB fans... We sort of, I'm preparing a new look EBC for next month, this one has been built from the ground up for easier updating, and easier surfing. Gone are all the glam features, Polls, MBs, Game Reviews, Links to my other sites on the front page, you know all that stuff. Our site motto is it's all about Earthbound Stuff and I have really strayed from that. I'll have a preview for you guys in the next couple of days. It's really looking good and I think it will inject life back in to EBC. Thanks for visiting, and I hope that you look forward to the new EBC! |

Posted on February 26th, 2004 at 10:50pm
Earthbound Central(EBC) is ©1999-2003 Tom Aitken
Earthbound™/Mother™ and all characters ©1989, 1995 Nintendo/Shigesato Itoi
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