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What if heaven wasn't what you thought it was. .


little to the left

alone in this. . .

little to the right


Thanks to the magic of the internet, you may now acquire my latest album Revolution in Sound.  What's better than getting new music?  Try free of charge with no sign-ups to anything.  Yeah, its that good.  Simply start by clicking here to download any track.  Be sure to check out the video intro for the album before continuing.   Good Luck.





March 09:

Hey, for a little bit, links to sound clips throughout the site will be down.  Only the link above to Revolution in Sound will be operational.  In time, I will have each song from each album available for download.  Yeah, its that good.  Till next time.

 Feb 09:

its been a few months, and a few new updates are worth mentioning. The out-take album of Revolution has been completed and is available on my mediafire account. Also, Sir Sauce and I are going to be working on GodFathers Part 3 in the coming months. till next time. - K



November 23rd 2008:

Well, I hope you've all gotten a chance to check out at least the mp3 file I added for you listening enjoyment.  My next endeavor will most likely be a third GodFathers' record with Sir Sauce.  We will work on this throughout 2009.  Of course, I'll give more information when I know more and until then, KEEP IT REAL, SON!


Nov 1st: I apologize for the look of the site right about now, Yesterday in the flurry of things I did, I screwed up the index of the site, so perhaps its time for a makeover for this site!  I will get this site worked on in the upcoming weeks, so watch for updates!

October 31st


If you couldn’t possibly wait any longer, the album will be completed late on Oct 31st.  Sir Sauce will be featured on the album, which is worth waiting for.  Let me know what you think of the record if you get your hands on one.

The Time Has Come!

October 25th 2008

The Album is just under a week away, and I finally have the page for it up and running.  The album will be about 40 minutes running time, so it will not disappoint!

December 23, 2007


The GodFathers second album was released on NOV 9th! Please check our myspace page for further information.
With that out of the way, I am in the early stages of my next album.  I believe it will be called Reverand K's Revolution in Sound.  And from the looks of things now, it might focus more heavily on the electronic aspects of music.  Only time will tell.  Stay tuned for more stuff as it becomes available.


November 30th 2006


Reverand K's Revolution in Sound was placed on a back-burner.  With the return of Sir Sauce to NEPA for a visit, a new GodFathers album was created.  This record will see release sometime around Christmas this year.

July 31:   Work on my latest album is slow, but some progress is being made.  The title will be "Reverend K's Revolution in sound".  I expect to be ready to release it sometime later this year.  Till next time!  the wizard

Nov 19th  the time hath come

The gathering was called. There was enjoyment to be had. Record Release parties are fun. Anyway, for your delight in case you're one of the 99.999999 percent of people who would not have access to my album, I have posted the first two tracks of Q4TC.  You could also email me if you truly want to take a leap of faith on something you never heard. Till next time.  the 'wizard

Oct 30th:

The release of the Quest will be on a Friday, a small gathering will be called. The 18th its on!

Sept. 25th: Check out the new info on Quest for the Current. Go Now


Sept 9th:  Two new sections are open in the scrapbook section - check 'em out!!





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