11/08/03 -- Prae'torin -- Mourning the death of a loved one. ***

11/09/03 -- Prae'torin -- He seems a little cocky, doesn't he? =P ***

11/18/03 -- Ver0n1ca -- The android takes a close look at nature.

11/26/03 -- Toumoei -- The kitsune-like lady teases her hair. (Artist's note: Possibly in first phase of completion, might add color and modify to look more realistic {anthromorph face, realism to wing feathers})

12/1/04 -- Corbinn Smaller version -- Profiling of the Native American deer. ***

12/1/04 -- Corbinn -- Picture removed, 12/5/04. ***

12/1/04 -- Corbinn Smaller version -- Corbinn in his cloak, concealing himself from prying eyes. ***

*** = Artist's character

More aesthetically appealing website in the making; just hope that I get up off my ass to relearn HTML. =\

All above characters copyrighted by respective owners. Any such picture displayed on this page is considered artistic property of Jeremy Rogers, and thus this site is considered the origin of all above pics. It is okay to take the pics for personal use, but NOT to claim as your own work. I can and will prove the property to be my own, if pushed to those extremes. Any such appearance of pics on websites outside the current address must give due credit.