The Keepers of the Fellowship

A Greathall stands before you. Though built of wood, it is beautiful. Its white-oak walls nearly gleam in the sun.
On its front wall, deep bas-relief carvings of the Heroes who came before, & those honored within, do battle with nightmarish creatures. Some depict great Warriors, swords in hand, standing amidst vanquished foes heaped at their feet. Elven Archers draw Greatbows & loose at horrific monsters; bearded Wizards cast arcane spells. Dwarves with huge axes do battle with orcs & goblins; Hobbits with short-swords or bows are shadowed beneath hideous giant Spiders.
Near the roofline, high above the doors, a fantastic creature soars, ridden by a fallen King of Men, robed in Black & wielding a great black mace. Far below, many Archers take aim, loosing a hail of arrows upward, and terrible Fireballs and fell Lightningbolts roar up toward it from the fingertips of Mages.

Rendered upon the great oaken doors are the Two Trees of Valinor, white Telperion & Laurelin the Golden, from which were fashioned the Sun & Moon. They seem to sway in a gentle living dance together; the magical Light which emanates from them waxes & wanes in twelve-hour cycles. All who look upon them become filled with wonder & reverence; evil creatures are injured by the sight of them, & flee in terror.

A large golden plaque above the doors announces:

Keepers' Greathall

Hall of Legend & Lore

Gallery of Maps & Paintings

Tournament Hall of Fame

Below, a smaller plaque, wrought of pure Mithril TRUESILVER, recalls the words at Durin's Door at the West-Gate of Moria in the faraway Misty Mountains:

Pedo mellon a minno:
'Speak Friend & Enter'

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