Beyond Imagination - Rose Dawson's Shrine to David Copperfield is unofficial! Started: February 21, 1999. Created by Rose Dawson. Website © 1999 expect for the works of others so attributed. All photos © their original creators unless otherwise attributed. (Please do not steal or copy anything off of this site without asking me. Show a little respect and be original! There are enough copy-cat David Copperfield pages on the web as it is!)
DISCLAIMER: This site is not-for-profit and completely unsponsored. All articles, photos etc. are used without permission of their creators (who legally hold their respective copyrights). Where known, all articles and photos include credit information (and individuals with further information are encouraged to submit it). The information presented here is simply collected from publicly aired and published sources. Most of the material presented here is available at public libraries, department stores, etc. and that this site is in no way trying to infringe on the respective copyrights or businesses of these entities. The Webring is a free service made available to the members of internet community.