Sunday - Febuary 13th

Where would you like the our guild raid to be?


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NEWS FOR Thursday - Febuary 17th

The Tribunal server is 6 months old today. Oath has stepped down as guild leader, and new links will be up shortly pointing to Imajicaan's email, and such, he is the new Guild Leader. NEWS FOR Sunday - 13th

(RP) Our first look at the enemy

(RP) Our search for the Heartstone continues. For more info, ask an officer in-game, because of security I cannot devulge information here, eyes are watching.....

We have obtained a Ghoulbane, and Sir Imajicaan now weilds it awsome power. He wishes to thank al who helped us obtain this blade, it has been quite an effort.

The winds of change are blowing, and soon you will see many new faces and people, ask an officer in game for more information.

NEWS FOR Monday - Febuary 7th

Ok, people, lots of stuff here today. There has been an expressed interest in role playing more in game. To facilitate this more, expect the member list to list the following tag (RP) this tag will appear next to the character name in the member list, and possibly several other places on the site. Also, I may be adding a role playing page to the site, for those interested, please let me know.

(RP) On that same note, Yesterday, a hired spy, a dark elf named Valpurgis, infiltrated the meeting of The House of Zexus. They were meeting with members of Dark Souls, and an alliance looks like it may be forming between them. Allas, Valpurgis barly got this information out before being killed by a gurd from House Zexus. Oath tracked The House's leader down, and chased him to High hold, and there gave him warning the forces of good will not let him gain posession of the Heartstone.

I am looking for help creating a form for members to use to update thier bios themselves. The updates take me at least several hours a week, and I would apprietiate any help those who know about this can give me.

NEWS FOR Sunday - Febuary 6th

More quests are up now, expect more soon.

FLASH! We have been challanged to find an item of renouned, that has been around sice beta, The Heartstone. For my conversation on this issue look at this text file.

  • Heartstone.txt or see the website at
  • Heartstone site

    NEWS FOR Sunday - January 23rd

    Updates today to the member and all bios I have gotten email on in the last week.

    Watch for the quests link to become active soon, as quests will become assigned there.

    New post boards up! Thank Tannja for this one check them out! The trade board is above in the link and here is the general one

  • General

    NEWS FOR Thursday, January 20th QUESTS!

    The annoucement has come, and it is time to prove your loyalty to the guild. EVERY member of the guild will be assigned a quest (some of these quests we will create ourselves). They will be assigned next week, and must either be completed in 2 weeks, or I must give you a leway for mitigating circumstances. Those who do not do this will be considered "out of favor" with the guild. Look here for a complete list in just a few days.

    Updates today in Members, Spotlight, and Archived News.

    New member bio policy.
    When you join the guild, you must send me a character bio via email (with pic if possible). Most of you already know this, however you must now update this info AT LEAST monthly. You may do so via email or auto update. Those who do not will have thier bio link removed from the site, and, after 1 more month, it will be deleted. Not having a link means you are "out of favor" with the guild, and not having a bio at all, kinda leave you out of the guild totaly. So come on, send in those updates/bios, We all want to know who we are talking to in guild!

    NEWS FOR Tuesday, January 11th Jerbears wedding was hugly popular esp considering both Vox and the Kedge Keep biggy got killed during the ceremony. After a wait for the gm, the ceremony got going, and a grand time it was. There was some incerdible fireworks! Afterwards, the wedding party retired to Rivervale for a celebration. I'm sure we can't wait for Next weekend, when Aidon and Stelaluna are to wed.

    NEWS FOR Saturday, January 8th Expect to see the site being updated all day, as I'll be in and out. I am trying to up date all sections, so bear with me. also, I need feedback on this site. Comeon ppl, how does it look? What's missing? What is good?

    The officer meeting has made it official, High Hold Pass is our new guild home. This choice is mainly because of the abundance of trade skill implements, merchants, and open unused spaces. Look for a Bi-Weekly trade fair starting soon in the Smugglers Cove in HH (if you don't know where that is, just ask).

    Also discussed where issues about KSing, and such. The official guild policy is first come-first serve on reg spawn points, however you may find it nessacary to alternate spawns at times, we can't hog all the good spots=). If Ksing occurs, report it to Jerbear, Myself, and/or if it warrants, petition it to the gm's. Do't try to handle it yourself, this can get ugly REALLY fast.

    NEWS FOR Wednsday, December 29

    Ah, the last update of the year. I know a few people have sent me auto mails and a bio or two in the last day or so, I hope to post these as soon as I get back from new years events(Sunday).

    Our level progesion for the guild is comming right along. A reminder to all, as of January first, the minimum application level for the guild is 12th level (this does not affect those who apply in the next few days but are not joined by January 1st)

    The guild home program continues, and you will see a poll to the left, of some suggested places. If you have an idea/imput on this, please let an officer know. We will be voting on this issue at the Jan 4th meeting.Also, any other issues to bring up should be told to officers soon, as this meeting will be officer only.

    Officers, remember that the meeting IS mandatory, and if you cannot be there for some reason, you need to do two things:

  • #1 Let me or Jerbear know(and reason if possible)
  • #2 Let a fellow officer know your vote and if any members have brought up issues you need presented for you.
  • Lastly, As we gear up I need feedback about the Nektulos raid, so that I can prepare for the Crushbone raid(BTW- Should the Crush max lvl be 20 or 25?).


    NEWS FOR THURSDAY, December 23

    The raid was a success! As people gathered at the east commons side of zone, we prepared our buffs, then entered. fighting not only guards, but also the words of cowering dark elves, we went on. Moving down the path, the force of good surged foward and took the bridge. Then, moving along, we came to the city gate itself, and there took on the captain of the guards. Let us remember all who died in this raid, they're heroic efforts made this possible!

    At my count the totals stood at about 28 loses from the forces fo good, but we took out:

  • 9 Regular guards
  • 3 Dragoons
  • and the Captain of the Neriak guard

    Several of us took a look inside Neriak itself, though this was not the purpose of the raid, it was fun to do(and worked better for those who were Invised=) Judging from how this raid went, we will deffinatly be conducting the Crushbone raid as planned!

    Faketino, guild leader of The Peoples Front of Norrath has asked is we may want to co-sponsor thier bi-weekly bazarr, though I have come to no descision on the matter yet.

  • DATE -
    TIME -
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