Death, death and more death -Salty
From doing so much HTML, damn we had a lot of death pics (I didn't even get to them all).
We have been kicking everyones ass and doing in with class. Good job guys, you make me proud to be a GOD. Meanwhile I know what you all think of me.

I know, I know thanks guys :P
Here is 2 pics I think are up for battle of the month.
In this pic we count 5 dead: Fuel, drewdog, Anarchy, Danny, Illium and Chum. I don't remember if any recalled, we had 4.

Here is one with myself and mr. xxx owning Danny, Chum, eeeek and their dragon.

Here is a low-down of GODS roster (being im 2 lazy to update members section).
10 total:
Guildmasters are: High Pimp God, Salty and Lanfear
Full members: Ryo, Mr. xxx, Wartz, American Zero
Recruits: Devil man, Playdough, Heiroshi
Welcome new recruit Heiroshi :D
Salty -=GODS=-
Site Moving to a New Location! -Lanfear
I will be uploading the GODS site to my ISP Webpage to finally get rid of all this uglyness, spamming window ads from geocities(mind you geocities has hosted our site for years and we thank them). Anyways im sick of the whole look...So like I said I will be moving the site..I will also be redesigning the site with Flash but the only problem there is that I am extremely busy with work and running day to day operations that these site changes will be taken over the next month. I will post more when appropriate letting you know of the new URL etc...So stay tuned for a new look and new graphics and if you lucky a kick ass Flash intro....
Lanfear -=GODS=-
Kill with class please! -Salty
No it wasnt the fact that I died for the first time in pvp outside of a tourny today. It was the attitude of
3 PoT members (mainly Prodigy) after ganking me. I ran inside their gate from brit, 3 of them where
having online sex in the wilderness by their house. After I dropped one of them I ran seeing FS's being thrown at me,
of course I healed as I ran. Whats so hard to believe about that? Obviously healing is a forgein concept to PoT being they
thought I was cheating. Now this isnt the first time they have accused me of cheating. Apparently I can kill people with 1 FS. Also I use reactive armor wands.
As they say I am invincible yet I died to this gank. After watching them cheer for 1 hr
straight and searching my body for magical powers that they obviously do not have, I left.
I left to rez at brit, then came Prodigy to gloat in my face about a 3 on 1 where one of them died and so did I. Now 1-1 seems equal to me
but only a PoT member such as Prodigy would confused about this number game.
Now I have been nice to most of you in the past, but let me tell you a few rules that GODS go by. If you rez and come by your body you will be
rez killed. If you rez and hang out around us you will be rez killed. If you are not GODS you will be killed on site. No longer
will I duel anyone outside of GODS unless its a loot duel (thank Prodigy for that one, I thought we where friends until today). Now that my bitching is
over, I leave you with this: Play like a man, I have killed every member in PoT and I have gloated not once, try pking with class "noobs"!
pic section is updated.
Salty -=GODS=-
New Members -Salty
After dueling Ryo a few days ago he was invited to full member status in the Blood Clan. Ryo is also sponsoring
Wartz as a recruit. American Zero is also sponsoring Mr. xxx as a recruit as well. Remember GODS is invite only and
we will be voting on Mr. xxx full membership status the end of this next week. Below is our new recruit in our favorite
guilds tower eating some dinner.
Salty -=GODS=-
Age of Mondain -Salty
GODS land on another shard.
I have started another chapter on Age of Mondain and will post some pking pics that I have done soon. I also won the 1 on 1 tourny last night.
Soon a guildstone will be placed, if I have talked to you about joining then icq me. This is a great shard to play on and if you are still waiting on Novus
play here anyways, they will transfer 5 GM skills from Novus and give you GM magery and swords. Everyone needs to ICQ me again I lost my list. I will be changing
how things run with GODS untill Pimp and Liandrin join. There will be 3 clans under me in which each recruits itself. Blood Clan, Glory Clan and Elite Clan for now I will be only recruiting 2-3 people, when the shard grows
we will look deeper. I will post more about this later but for now join Age of Mondain.
Salty -=GODS=-
It comes back fast...-Salty
Wow, doesn't even cover it. Novus POL is bringing back so many memories. The precasting is working which in itself is very fun for pvp. Ponj and I find ourselfs dueling for hours
on the Test server. Really there is no point, no one wins money or loot. It is just just fun, which is something I noticed I really haven't had with UO in almost a year. If you play pre-cast days
on osi you better join Novus. The pvp comes back very fast, I find myself playing almost as good as I was on OSI back in that time period. The only thing that is missing is the instant hit which Probe is working on.
Novus is not open to the public yet, but when it does you better believe everyone and their momma will be there!
Salty -=GODS=-
Killing Time...-Lanfear
Over the course of the last week I can't say much has happened. We have increased our roster for the start of NOS POL. There all coming back..slowly..but surely. After seeing Soul Harvester's last flash film I really wished that I was still in contact with him and Kodiak Ash. We (GODS) were mentioned in his notables and I thought that was very nice. If your still out there buddy icq or email me...
It's good to see everyone coming back together. I am getting ICQ's from old faces long not heard from. (I know it's just text)
From what I hear from the Dev team of NOS POL it shouldnt be too long now. My prediction is 1-3 months. Which gives us plenty of time to get ready.
If you haven't already seen it ...It's a must watch..It almost made me cry..
Lanfear -=GODS=-
NOS POL News-Lanfear
NOS POL beta is up and running. Were are all just starting to log on and get used to the old OSI like style of gameplay. If you have not spoken to the guild in some time then ICQ Lanfear/Liandrin - 20771007. I am very excited to get things rolling again...Our roster for NOS pol so far is:
High Pimp God
American Zero
Princess Sara
These are the main leaders of GODS and will be recruiting OLD GODS members to help with the initial startup once NOS POL releases the final version. We will be changing many things in the next few weeks as we prepare for the final launch. I will be posting at minimum once a week to get things rolling and will be revamping the site so it doesn't look like were from the 80's anymore.
Here is the latest news from the NOS site (if you never go there)
The beta server is up and works like OSI test center. You can raise/lower stats and skills by saying:
set skill value (i.e. - set magery 100)
set stat value (i.e. - set int 100)
You will not be able to go over the stat or skill cap (225 stat / 700 skill). A cap is necessary for balance. Any old Novus login can enter the beta server. The test server, that you will see, is blank and will be restarted often.
Lanfear -=GODS=-
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