The Red Cloak
General Campaign Info
Campaign Date and Time: Tuesday nights, beginning at 10 P.M. Eeastern, ending at around 12 to 12:30 A.M. Eastern.  If you cannot make regular sessions, do not waste your and my time by signing up.

Campaign Setting: Forgotten Realms

Current Player Entry Level: 3

Campaign Races: Any race that has PC rules made for it and is more or less Forgotten Realms native.  There are exceptions, such as the Thri-Kreens of Athas.  Thri-Kreens can also appear in Forgotten Realms, so they would be acceptable.  If you're in doubt, ask me.

Campaign Classes and Kits:  Any Player's Handbook, Player's Option book, or Complete Handbook classes and kits allowed.
DM's Expectations
In-Game Rules
Other Info
Current Heroes
The Grave
Personal Info
Maile Me