Years ago, Andy Gonsalves and Nick Vrona, co-founders of The Subnoodle, formed a little company called "Completely Looney Productions", and made some really nifty Windows-based games based on a character they had created named "Mick Berna". The Mick Berna story is simple... the look is based on Nick and his ever-present Emmitt Smith jersey, and the name is a result of some rent-a-cop mispronouncing Nick's name while attempting, and failing, to bust Andy and Nick for trespassing at a college campus. The character immediately became the subject of comics, short videos, and most notably, videogames. In 1999, Andy and Nick began work on a new and vastly improved Mick Berna game, but the project has been on the shelf for well over a year, and it remains to be seen if they will ever resume work on it. In the meantime, the original games are here, as well as a fun animation and a screensaver, and are available for your free downloading pleasure! Check 'em out! That is, if you're running Windows 98 or sooner... lame!

Mick Berna Saves the Day - (1996) Full Version for Windows (3MB)

This is the ORIGINAL! The very first of the Mick Berna series from Completely Looney Productions, then called Andysoft and Mickware. Mick Berna goes on an epic quest to find his father, Berna Sr., who was kidnapped by evil ninjas! Along the way, Mick will fight off hordes of enemies such as evil potted plants, evil axes, and evil junk goons! With fun gameplay, hilarious cutscenes, and unforgettable characters, Mick Berna Saves the Day is a game you're sure to love!

Mick Berna's Adventure - (1998) Beta Version for Windows (1MB)

Mick Berna once again is faced with a daunting task, but this time, he's looking for his beloved dog, Berna Dog! With better gameplay and graphics (to a point), Mick Berna's Adventure is tons of fun, even if the game was never finished, and it only contains 2 levels and no cutscenes!

Mick Berna Arcade - (1997) Full Version for Windows (600K)

Ever get that nostalgic feeling about great games like Frogger, Duck Hunt, and Pitfall? No? Well, Mick Berna Arcade, a collection of 3 mini-games, is sure to satisfy your thirst for mediocre graphics, astoundingly simple gameplay, and the lack of payoff at the end of the game! It's arcade-riffic!

You Want Fries With That? - for Windows (750K)

Watch everyone's favorite lanky goofball, Bok, as he takes on his first real job, and his first irate customer, in this hilarious animated short by Andy Gonsalves.

On the Road Again - Screensaver for Windows (450K)

In this screensaver, Berna Sr. is on his way to pick up Mick. With his brightly shined 1979 Ford pickup truck, also known as "The Berna Mobile", he treads his way through the muddy boondocks.

NOTE: All games on this page are Freeware, so feel free to distribute them to everyone you know!

1994-2000 CLP

The character Mick Berna is a trademark of Completely Looney Productions
All graphics and games on this site are property of CLP

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