The Story of a King

In a far away land lies the Kingdom of Shattered Reflections. The Kingdom was founded by a peasant traveller. When the traveller left his residence near Camelot in search of new land, he had only planned on being gone a few days. Little did he know when he left that days would turn to weeks as weeks into months.

On his third month and twelfth day, he surveyed land that would later become the center of the kingdom...the Palace. With only minor visions of a gigantic castle, he had an enormous dream to become the ruler of a new kingdom. However, he wouldn't be viewed as a king among the streets, but as one of the townsfolk himself.

Finally, he began construction on a magnificent palace to shine eternally, as a beacon to anyone, even other peasants as he once was...

+your walking along the side of a beautiful winding river when up ahead you notice a waterfall splashing. You can smell the enchanting mist and flowers that lure you closer. As you approach the waterfall you notice a small bridge leading right through the middle of the waterfall. You cross the bridge and walk through. You notice you aren't even wet. When you step through you notice a large blue marble castle in the distance you set off towards the castle+

+you approach the blue marble castle, marvelling at it's amazing size and majesty, it's many windows peer out at you, the eyes of the building, giving you a glimpse of what lay within+

+taking a deep breath you move forward towards the palace, it appears to grow in size as you approach+

+the royal crest blows lightly in the soft morning breeze as if waving a welcome to you, the palace doors are open and King Glacier awaits you inside with Queen Crystyn standing beside him+

+he motions for you to come in and you bow before them and he speaks in a gentle welcoming voice+ Hello, dear friend. Welcome to our palace called the Palace of Shattered Reflections. The palace is fairly new but very strong. We are always welcoming people who come before us into our homeland to join the kingdom which possesses the magical enchantment that we all enjoy.
+they both give you a gentle smile then offer to show you around+

Choose your destination:

The Main Hall
A place to see the ranks of the palace. See what's open and learn about the people who fill positions.

The Kingdom Registry
A listing of all citizens of the Kingdom of Shattered Reflections.

The Gallery
Pictures of all Royalty who reside in the Palace of Shattered Reflections.

The Dungeon
Information on the Palace's enemies.

Festival Hall
Upcoming festival and ball dates!

The Kingdom's Voice
The Kingdom's Message Board.

The Ball Room
Where knightings and other important and formal social events will happen.
Must be a registered Chathouse member.

The Throne Room
Contact either King Glacier or Queen Crystyn

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