Noises are kind of my thing. I can do a pretty spiffy Pikachu
Well, now that I've introduced myself
And probably told a bit more than neccessary.
I'll set you off to roam freely through the layers of my website. If you ever need to escape there are links to your left. Think of yourself as free range cattle and the links as the hole in the fence. ^_~ I suggest you right click the link and open in a new browser window... that works best for me at least.
I would like to extend the absolute HUGEST thank you to Seraphic Feather, she gave me the little tiny tag adjustments I needed to get this page working right finally. After 3 arduous hours she helped me make it do what I wanted! THANK YOU!
Lookit! John and I were in the paper! ^_^
First off I'd like to say I'm not a real mouse.
Well DUH!
"Mouse" or rather "Orgasmic Field Mouse" *cringes, preparing to retell her explanation for the upteenth time* is a nickname of sorts I've earned/adopted. It's really very innocent you see,
Sorry to all the hentai who thought it was some sleazy thing.
I'm extremely ticklish. But instead of a full out laugh a lot of the time all I could manage was a little "squeak" because the tickled feeling was so quick. Once my friends
Especially those of the male persuasion
discovered this happened when my tummy
(yeah "tummy", it's not a belly according to Caitlin.)
got poked. I found myself squeaking an aweful lot! ^_^ It amuses them or somehting... *shrug* so they poke, I squeak... the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. My squeaking is just an inevitable factor in the universe. Anyway, one day Erin was trying to describe just what my little squeak sounded like and she came up with "orgasmic field mouse". I know it's not the most glamorous thing to be called but it struck me as cute.
In a perverse way.
There's an interesting story behind my Pikachu noises, I'm not sure I should get into it now this might not be the place to be posting it. ^_~ And then there's always my squeak, and if I become overly threatened
Like when 3 of you damn people corner poor little me! ^_^
I can growl and hiss.