Hello. You have just discovered the most boring waste of time and space on the Web. (Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know I haven't updated in a long while. I'll get around to it.)

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This page is relatively new to the web, even though I am not. To visit a few sites that are perhaps a bit more developed and, in my opinion, more entertaining, click any one of the following names...

To get Japanese characters on the Japanese sites, you're going to need MS Mincho or MS Gothic. You also need to change the encoding on your web browser. Go to MICRO$OFT or NETSCAPE to find out how.

Name URL Description
RPGamer www.rpgamer.com The latest news on the best console RPGs. If you have any ardor for RPGs, check this page out.
Nintendo of America www.nintendo.com This site has most of the recent stuff that the people in Redmond, WA want the public to know about.
Nintendo Co., Ltd. www.nintendo.co.jp This site has most of the recent stuff that the people in Japan want the public to know about, but beware, it is written almost entirely in Japanese, which is a little bit difficult to deal with.
Mr. Groovy's Home Page members.aol.com/sabin22/index.html My friend Mr. Groovy's site. It isn't bad, but don't take him.
Black Ice Games blackgames.8m.com My friend Ad Infinitum is one of the helpers on this site. They have some pretty good games. Check it out.
Squaresoft Japan www.square.co.jp The latest stuff from Square. However, in order to enjoy all instead of just half of what's coming, you need to be able to read Japanese. So sorry.
Pokémon Official Web Site www.pokemon.com To hear, see, and find ways to make fun of the latest video game craze, try this site.
Pocket Monsters Official Web Site www.gamefreak.com/POKEMON/INDEX.HTM To hear, see, and find ways to make fun of the latest about Pokémon before it hits the United States, try this site.
Pokémon Aaah! www.nick15.com/pokemon/index.html If you want see how you can get rich off of Pikachu and the accursed pink puffball, courtesy of Nick15, click here.
Your Home Page ??? If you think that your site is cool enough to be put on this list, tell me about it!